Never saw one of these before - used BPS Police SG

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Just browsed my local cop shop and they've received two BPS Police shotguns in trade from a department.

Flat finished wood, marked with the usual on the right side of the barrel with a "-18 1/4" added.

Good to learn something every day!

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Giz, it's a new one to me also. Ought to be a decent "Serious" shotgun, tho.

What are they asking for those puppies?


New member
Wow..never knew they made a police model.

I doubt it would gain any real popularity as the covered ejection port would make it difficult to instantly verify unloaded status. It really helps when a Range Officer can just look at a shotgun to verify it is safe instead of physically having to pick it up.

I'm also curious as to whether you could unload the entire magazine, much like you can an 870 without chambering a shell.

Good SHooting

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Dave, $269 - :confused: - didn't really check..

CC, should be able to drop the magazine contents like a M37 Ithaca. Same design with the addition of the other transfer bar.

They also had a flock of M37 Ithaca's. If they had another 18 or 20 inch barreled Full Choke SG like the one I have, it would have hit layaway. Most were plain jane riot guns. Also had a couple of Deerslayers with that gorgous wood. Sad that the days of producing something like that are all but gone.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Thanks, Giz.

It's interesting that lots of top end "serious" shotgunners favor the 37. Despite the lack of easy chamber checking, many folks regard the 37s as the epitome of good pumps for life threatening situations.

Baltimore Narcotics cops tend to be a pragmatic group. The ones I knew and shot with had a plethora of raid guns, everything from 20 gauge 1100s to sawed off "Whippet" doubles. Lots of them preferred the 37, and not because of the slam fire feature on older ones.

The BPS is an enhanced 37, IMO.


New member
A "Whippet" Double


Just out of curiosity, can you further describe a "a sawed off 'Whippet' double" and mention why someone, in LE, would have chosen that type of shotgun (intimidation factor?) over an auto or 5+ shot pump? Thanks.


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Serving warrants in crack houses means very close quarters, short time frames, and plenty of backup.

When I asked that same question, I was told that the double was tres reliable,had some intimidation factor, was shorter overall, and one could Whippet out faster as needed. With all the backup around, having more shots was less crucial.Having a shot or two RAT now was more.

BTW, while memory can err, I recall no PG only equipped shotguns. The Whippets and others were capable of shoulder firing. IIRC, most of the doubles were Savages.

Whippets are cropped at both ends, minumum length bbls and a short but usable stock.

The guys also were strong on Para-Ord's with big mags and tritium sights, backup revolvers(The Charter Arms 44 was popular) and lots of Kevlar.

Last estimate I caught on the news, over 10% of B-more is addicted to something.It'll top 300 homicides by New Years....

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New member
Take a look at Ned Christiansen's site,, and read about his modifications to a BPS. He seems to think that its a great gun and has improved upon it to take care of some of the problems mentioned here.