Nevada woman hurt by mountain lion


New member
Probably not a good idea to break up a scuffle between a mountain lion and a dog with you bare hands. But shooting the cat without harming your dog, might be tough too. The woman is lucky she wasn't more seriously injured.

(12-18) 10:19 PST RENO, CA (AP) --
Nevada wildlife officials and a houndsman with dogs were tracking a young mountain lion Thursday that attacked a woman in the foothills of Virginia City southeast of Reno — only the second such attack in the state on record.
The woman suffered minor injuries when she tried to break up a fight between the cat and her dog Wednesday night in her backyard just off of the mountain highway connecting Reno to the historic mining town, Storey County sheriff's officials said.

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New member
not sure what that lady was thinking.... glad she's ok though. She's lucky, could have easily been a lot worse, especially had it been a mature mt lion. I'd say good reason for people to keep carrying concealed! Could have ended the fight quicker.


New member
The lady may seem crazy, but another reason I don't leave home w/o "protection". I'm glad she's okay. I will be honest, I do really dumb things from time to time and I really love my dogs. If caught without a weapon I would probably end up in the hospital/morgue and newspaper. I know it's dumb, but I really love my dogs. They would do the same fore me, so why wouldn't I?


New member
The lady may seem crazy, but another reason I don't leave home w/o "protection". I'm glad she's okay. I will be honest, I do really dumb things from time to time and I really love my dogs. If caught without a weapon I would probably end up in the hospital/morgue and newspaper. I know it's dumb, but I really love my dogs. They would do the same fore me, so why wouldn't I?

Well put!


The lady may seem crazy, but another reason I don't leave home w/o "protection". I'm glad she's okay. I will be honest, I do really dumb things from time to time and I really love my dogs. If caught without a weapon I would probably end up in the hospital/morgue and newspaper. I know it's dumb, but I really love my dogs. They would do the same fore me, so why wouldn't I?

ditto :)


New member
I know how people feel about their pets and I might have done the same as her. I guess we'll never know if she had other options, but I think it a good idea to make a quick assessment of any options, before tackling big kitty bare handed. I'm babysitting my 16-17 lb Norwegien Forest grand-cat right now and he beat the hell out of me just this morning. :) I can't imagine tangling with a kitty five or ten times his size. :eek:

Dave P

New member
Good for her. Some of my best friends are dogs (but don't tell them!).



New member
Gotta use the prehensile digit advantage.

Gotta be careful with that. I was talking to the dog once and said "Oh, you'd probably like a biscuit, wouldn't 'ya? They're in the cupboard here... see I can open the cupboard... I have a thumb...." At which point Junior pipes up and says "That about sums up the major differences between you two." :)