Nevada Chukar


New member
FWB, I hunted those little feathered mountain goats for 6 years I lived in NV. I was in a lot better shape back then, or a lot hungrier. But they are fun to hunt! I remember the first time: my dog and I killed 2 birds by a spring then chased the covey up a mountain. As we got close to the top (2,500 feet higher), I figured I was going to slaughter them, but as I started to get too close, they just jumped up and flew across a 2-mile wide canyon. I sat down and just watches them go, I didn't know what to say or do. That's when I started asking other hunters how to hunt them and I learned you have to sidehill them. At least that way you get a few shots!

Fat White Boy

New member
Yep- I can't run up and down the mountains anymore, either. We start hunting at 6800 feet. I wait until they come down off the sides of the mountain into the flats then go after them. They think they are getting away as they go up the mountain but it gives you an opportunity to get one or two more...If you get lucky and get one with a head shot, it will flop back down the mountain for you...