Neostead US availability update

Andrew Wyatt

New member
Last night, i emailed neostead asking when their shotgun would be available in the US. this was their response.

>Dear Andrew,
>Thank you for your interest in the Neostead shotgun.
>Regret, the Neostead is not available in the USA.
>We do not have a BATF classification and therefore cannot market into
>the USA at present.
>I am not familiar with US firearm ownership laws but understand that the
>Neostead, with it's large magazine capacity, would be prohibited for
>import for private ownership.
>This link should take you to the ATF site for import application.
>I will keep your address on our address list and let you know the moment
>that we are able to distribute in the USA.
>Truvelo Armoury, who make superior hunting rifles, are making our
>barrels for us and are distributing the Neostead shotgun. Please make
>contact with them for pricing and sales details.
>Truvelo Armoury contact details :
>Ingrid Beisiegel email : <>
>Truvelo Armoury
>P. O. Box 141283,
>Lyttelton, 0140
>Tel : +27 11 3141405/6
>Fax : +27 11 3141409
>Ann Stead
>Andrew Wyatt wrote:
>> Are neosteads currently available in the united states? if not when whill they be available?


New member
I think the dual 6-shell capacity tubes (12 rounds) makes it on the permanent "banned" list.

David Park

New member
In addition to the import ban on "semiautomatic assault weapons," there's also one on "large capacity ammunition feeding devices." They're defined as a "magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition." This would apply to all Neostead shotguns not manufactured prior to September 13, 1994 (which I think is all of them).

So, we can import them as soon as we eliminate the stupid 10-round magazine law :barf: or have the Neostead neutered for the U.S. market.

Andrew Wyatt

New member
yeah, but it only has six rounds per magazine.

perhaps if they made tubes with only five rounds each it would be acceptable.

would the American made parts count trick work in this case as well?

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Thanks for the update. I figured as much, but never went to the trouble to check.

Look for more troubling issues on the horizon. For example, anything over .50 cal with a rifled barrel is a "destructive device." 12 gauge, IIRC is nominally .69 cal. Put a rifled barrel on your 870 for use with sabot rounds and technically...

BATF banning thousands of shotguns because they could possibly be easily converted to DD's? Hmmm, that would get a lot of fence-sitters into the RKBA fight.



New member
That's too bad. An original design snuffed because it holds two rounds too many. Maybe they could make a "plugged" US version?

But, I have a question. If importing firearms with fixed mags in excess of 10 rounds is illegal, where are all these Italian Winchester levergun clones with 11, 14, and 17 round capacities coming from?


New member
maybe if enough people write the ATF asking about the Neostead -- and talking about it having wo separate 6 round magazines -- or if enough people talk to the neostead people, they'll look into manufacturing an alternate U.S. version.