Neighborhood antis trying to shut down shooting range!!!!


New member

This story ran in the New Hampshire Union Leader on 4/29/02. The Line Pine Hunter's Club is an established gun club and these people should have been aware of its presence before they bought their homes there. This is just another example of how the media is biased toward the antis.
I just submitted my membership application to the Nashua Fish and Game Association( ) Wednesday night at their monthly meeting. I learned about this story at the monthly meeting where the president of the club urged all members to contact the editor of the Union Leader to express their disapproval of their fraudulent and biased reporting. He pasted out a letter written to the editor by another member of the Nashua Fish & Game Association. Below, I typed out the letter verbatim. I think it could have been better written, but it illustrates how ludicrous the claim of the disgruntled neighbors is in their figure of 1.6 million pounds of lead.

"To the Editors,

The article in the Monday April 29th on-line edition concerning the Lone Pine shooting club contains fraudulent data, aimed at arousing sympathy for those, who bought homes near a long-established shooting club, and now complain about the noise.

These neighbors, who want to force closure of the club, are dishonest: they falsely claim that the club is depositing 1,693,886 pounds of lead/year.

This is impossible. Over a year, that weight of lead would require the firing of 27,102,176 rounds of shotgun ammunition, the heaviest common firearm projectile. Each round contains about an ounce of lead; common rifle and pistol bullets contain fractions of an ounce, so far more would have to be used to get that total weight.

The club's approximately 100 members each would have to use some 5,000 shotgun rounds every week of every year. This would be crippling, financially and physically. At the Walmart price of 16 cents a round, each would have to spend $800/week, or $41,600/year. If Lone Pine Club members were that wealthy, they would long ago have buried their attackers under mountainous legal expenses. In physical terms, after a few weeks of firing 5,000 round/week, even the brawny shoulder joints of supermen and superwomen would fail. Anyone, who has ever fired a shotgun, would know this.

These deceitful neighbors have taken the peak rate of fire during an event - reached briefly during a three - or four-hour contest - and applied that rate to all of the hours, when the club is not used at all, or is only lightly used.

These deceitful neighbors - and the Hollis town officials, who back them - deserve our contempt; for buying homes without looking at the neighborhood, for lying to the Union Leader's readers, and for sullying the reputation of law-abiding firearms-owners. Their legal battles should be against those that conspired to sell them property located next to a legally established shooting facility.

Sincerely yours,"

Here's the link to the editor's e-mail:

Please take a moment to tell this editor how you feel about this issue. Use the letter above as a template.

If the antis can't take our guns, they'll take our places to shoot them.