Neighbor problem

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chris in va

New member
Mods, please move this as necessary.

In a nutshell, our neighbor had a relative move in with a less than stellar background. This individual immediately started causing problems, and decided to make up things about me and my long time girlfriend, one being related to my firearm ownership. In no way, shape or form have I brought any of this up to them, a complete fabrication. In fact we haven't even talked to them since moving in.

As a firearm owner, how can I protect myself from false accusations? I'm starting to consider carrying a voice recorder (legal here) so the police will have tangible proof of the tirades we receive so it's not merely a 'he said/ she said' situation. We might even get a game camera for the front as we had someone pound on our door at 6:30am a couple days ago.

All this started when I asked for my house key back as I was concerned it could fall into the wrong hands. Somehow the individual got wind of this.


New member
I'm not an attorney, but my advice would be to document any interactions with this individual and any other evidence you can gather of his encroachment onto your property, and then see if you can get a protective order if his behavior warrants that. And a friendly call to the local PD might be in order as well, just so they're aware of what's going on and have your side of the story.


New member
All i can say is good luck. I have been in a similar situation. Hopefully, he does not have political connections.

I would change my locks, install an infrared video surveillance system with audio, carry the recorder.

If the guy is prowling around your house, I would file a complaint of trespass with the police. Use the surveillance video as evidence.

Once you have the evidence have your significant other file for a restraining order. The Cops respond better to a female than a male complainant.

If he is harassing you he is probably annoying other neighbors. Talk to them and address your concerns. Try to build support among the neighbors.

When you say unsavory back ground, does this involve Mental health issues. Can you elaborate on his back ground.


New member
Since it has to do with firearms I think I would agree to contact local PD to kind of let them know what is going on so they have an idea on what kind of person you are. You know, in case your integrity is called into question.

I feel whenever a firearm is involved it instantly takes it up a notch in the public's view.

I think the biggest reason to contact PD is to get their opinion on how to protect yourselves from what sounds like slander.


New member
Definately change the locks. Getting the key back doesn't help as there may be copies of it you don't know about.


New member
Quote Sport45: Definitely change the locks. Getting the key back doesn't help as there may be copies of it you don't know about. :eek:

without wood the fire dieth out.

the other advice is good but if you want a person to stay out of your life avoiding them, ignoring them, not talking of them, to them or about them to anyone.

Doesn't work all the time but probably 9 times out of 10.

Be patient. People who cause trouble generally get bored easy and try to find another target for their drama.


New member
All this started when I asked for my house key back as I was concerned it could fall into the wrong hands. Somehow the individual got wind of this.

He's not the problem.
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New member
without wood the fire dieth out.

the other advice is good but if you want a person to stay out of your life avoiding them, ignoring them, not talking of them, to them or about them to anyone.

Doesn't work all the time but probably 9 times out of 10.

Be patient. People who cause trouble generally get bored easy and try to find another target for their drama.

Unless they have obsessive personalities (aka stalkers), in which case thats definitely not true.


New member
Re: the key...

My spare keys are kept at my office, by my brother across town, and by trusted friends. NOT by neighbors.

It will be inconvenient if I ever get locked out, but I have peace of mind that this type of situation will NOT happen.

Strafer Gott

New member
Take pictures with your cell phone. Use your recording app. Make calls to PD non emergency number and seek advice. Log contacts, write up incidents.
Document. Get an attorney. Or not.


New member
One thought for future reference: don't let the genie out of the bottle; meaning next time just change your locks and don't tell anyone. Your home, your locks, your business.

You effectively communicated to your neighbor that you didn't trust him/her and his/her family, friends, and their dog for good measure; their judgement.

I would approach this situation from that perspective. Now whether or not you want to "patch things up" with your neighbor or not is totally up to you.

If you and yours are being slandered, there may be a line in the sand where you might want to pursue legal action.

If you are being harassed, early am door knocking, there may be a line where you might want to pursue legal action.

Remember that moving is always an option; however, it may be possible to peacefully coexist with not much effort.

You haven't mentioned anything in great detail; for example, that your new neighbor is just out of prison for resisting arrest after stalking prom queens while running a drug cartel.

If you have any indication of real or perceived violence I would take this very seriously. However, if you just wounded your neighbor's pride perhaps not so much.



Active member
First, I'd re-key your locks and/or make sure you have good deadbolts.

I've been in situations where someone has totally fabricated what I said. I have considered using a hidden voice recorder. The situation resolved itself - troublemakers moved out (commercial setting). FWIW, they make some pretty neet voice/video recording watches (mall ninja, perhaps, but hey sometimes you just gotta be a mall ninja!). I'd think about getting something like that.


New member
Another thing...just about every cell phone has audio recording capability with HOURS of memory. Turn on the feature, start it recording, and just hold it in your hand beside you. Cell phones are so everyday that nobody thinks anything of somebody just holding one. I have a former boss who is FORMER because of this.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I can't see this topic as firearms related notwithstanding the brief mention in the opening post. It definitely is not part of this discussion.

Closed. Off topic.
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