Negligent Discharge - NSFW - Language

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Found this video on a non-firearm site but thought it pretty relevant here...

I know of at least 1 rule of safe firearm handling that was not followed and resulted in the this ND.

How many of you have done drills such as this and had close calls?

I use a Blackhawk Serpa holster when carrying OTWB. I keep my finger straight and outside the trigger guard until I am on target and ready to fire.

Haven't seen the holster he was using before, but he himself explains why it's not such a good idea...

Be safe everyone!


New member
Stupid hurts.... You almost have to be certified as lacking of intelligence to do what this guy did and I kind of question if this was a Photoshop project or if it really happened.

The whole incident seems to be too well staged and the lack of blood seems highly unlikely...

"IF" this was a real incident and not a Photoshop dream one wonders who you would shoot a target so close as it creates some obvious issues with powder and blast and it seems like it would be a exercise better done with a plastic training weapon. For myself this is a photoshop dream and the longer the explanation goes on the less credible it gets and there is no apparent bruising though the muscle just entry and exit wounds.
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We also don't know how soon after the ND he made the video. Deep tissue bruising may not show up on the surface, and if it does, there's no telling how long it would take as everyone is different...

I don't see anything in the video that suggests a photoshop or anything. They even slow the video down and you can see the shockwave go down his leg.


New member
I going to say FMJ Ball, The lack of blood is bothersome but I can't find any
Artifacts that bother me. If you move threw the frames you will see that he
Missed his toe by very little. I'm not saying its not PS or SGI, Just nothing leaps out.
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