needing help

I hope someone can help me and hope I'm in the correct forum. I live in the city and am looking for an affordable way to monitor my property during the day and at night using just still photography. I'd like to have it snap still photography upon motion sensing of up to 15 ft. I seen hunting monitoring cameras in a bass pro shop and was wondering if this might be my answer. Is anyone familiar with these and able to answer my question and suggest a certain model or make for my needs. Thanks in advance.


Staff In Memoriam
Yes, for home security you need an IR flash to avoid folks locating it though... I am guessing that is your desire... If for critters and theft is a non issue, get a regular flash if you wish. either way get a DIGI with removeable storage card so you won't have to take it loose to see what is tripping it...
Basically am wanting for monitoring against tresspassing by neighbors and protection against vandalism and theft. Ones I was looking at had internal memory and a slot for sd card. They also ran on 4 c batteries but also an external power jack. Are these good options. Thanks for the quick reply.


Staff In Memoriam
That is a basic design... Infra red flash will avoid the trespasser knowing it got his pic... if they see a flash they must steal or destroy the trail cam to avoid you knowing their ID...;)
Thanks for the info. Ill definitely want the ir flash then. Is there a particular brand and model that you are familiar with that has up to a 15 to 20 foot motion sensing range for under 250 dollars.


Staff In Memoriam
I am not a buyer/user of trail cams but a top of the line unit is cuddeback [sp}...
walmart has a Ir unit at my local store... now is the time to see their inventory as they stock up for hunting season... might get an extra unit or 2 as season dies off on clearance.
P.S. most all units, even the cheaper ones, will work under your distance parameters... in fact most will give you pics of feral house cats at 20+ feet.


New member
i dont know much about this stuff, but i did see in a catalog a camera
that is also a cell phone....the camera is activated by motion and takes
the picture....the cell phone part of the camera calls to a centralized
data base that stores your picture under your can access
the data base via the internet and see your property from afar at any
time you want...pretty cool

down side: camera/phone is very expensive and you also have to
buy a cell phone service to be able to upload the pics (presuming area
your camp is located has cell service, of course)

good thing: the cell service can be activated for certain periods and
deactivated for times you dont want to monitor

it is seemingly used for spotting what you are going to go hunting for,
so that is why there is a seasonal option....for year round monitoring
of your camp, you would have to go with the full coverage

hope this helps

ps...these cameras are in most hunting catalogs....