Need to stay out of the dog food store...

Went to pick up food for Mason this morning.

Unfortunately, it's collocated with one of the local gun shops (owner has varied interests, I guess).

While waiting for my order, I came across two revolvers in the case, a circa 1950s Colt Police Positive Special in .38 Special, and a circa 1972 S&W Chief's Special 3" round butt.

I literally had to play one potato two potato to decide as there was only $50 difference between them.

I ended up picking the Smith. It's not perfect, but it's in very good condition.

Best of all, it was a consignment gun, and the owner obviously had no clue what has been going on with gun prices lately. I walked out of the store with it for about $370.

The last 3" Model 36 I saw was closer to $500.

As I was closing up my paperwork, another guy came in and bought the Colt, so no going back for it after Christmas...

Pictures to follow as soon as I figure out why my camera is giving me crap exposures on just about everything...


New member

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.......... Ya shoulda both both & sold one to pay for most of the other. :p (BT, DT)



New member
I would've bought the Colt...

...only because I already have a 3" RB M36. :D

(Oh, who am I kidding. I would've bought both.)


New member
Nice find Mike,,,

I have a 3" model 36 and I love that shooter.

So did you have a particular need/fondness for that gun,,,
Or is it an investment because of the low price.

Just curious is all.


Years ago I had a nickle plated square butt 3" Model 36. I couldn't get past the shiny, though, and sold it to a friend's father who wanted it for his sailboat.

But, it's a Smith & Wesson, and it fills a spot in my collection.


New member
For $370 you got a steal IMO. I love the 3" J frames, my first carry gun was a 3" model 60 in .357, and one of the few pre-lock 3" 60's in .357 at that. As much as I loved the gun, I ended up selling it and buying an older .38 special 640 to replace it.
Yeah, I knew it was a very good price, and that it wouldn't stay in the case for very long. I really didn't want to spend the money, but what the hell...
I've already said I would post pictures when I can figure out what's wrong with the camera on my cell phone.

I haven't, so I won't.

Unless you think that a hideously overexposed blob of.... something (could be a gun, could be a Buick LeSabre) is going to show much of anything...


New member
Just paid $400 out the door for a 3" Model 36, tried for $350, alas, "it's a sellers market".

You made a very good deal. Great little carry gun.
Thanks! Mine's a 36-1, circa 1972 from the serial number.

The finish is pretty good, but just behind the trigger on the right side is a tiny amount of rust bloom. Not into the metal, but into the finish. Might be touchupable...


New member
Mine was pretty rough,,,

My 3" model 36 is a square butt,,,
I got her for $300.00 out the door price,,,
But she was in pretty bad shape cosmetically.

No rust or pitting,,,
But there were huge scuffs on the finish,,,
And the top strap has a few dents like it was dropped on rough concrete.

So yours being nicer seems well worth $370.00 to me,,,
I'm still surprised that there was a S&W you didn't already own.


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There are MANY S&W revolvers that I don't own that I want.

I have, however, gotten all of my BIG ticket items, the ones that I desperately wanted; now I'm playing get the neat stuff to fill in the gaps.

The last Big Ticket S&W that I wanted was my Model 25-5 in .45 Long Colt. What made it special is that it's a 4", not the typical 6.5". I didn't want the longer barrel, I wanted the 4", and those are uncommon and difficult to find.

When I actually did find it, I suddenly realized that some of the joy and excitement had departed. No longer was there the thrill of the hunt...

Fortunately I was able to rekindle that somewhat when I suddenly became interested in Colt revolvers...


New member
@Mike I.: Half of the fun of a new gun is the planning and hunt. As for the cost, I'll quote what my wife said to me a few days ago, when I was wincing over her purchase of christmas jewelry: "It's only money."

Merry Christmas to Mason.