Need to raise your blood pressure, watch these anti-gun videos:

Garand Illusion

New member
This first one really got to me. Seems that Assault weapons were developed as a result of trench warfare, and fire bullets that can pierce doors and houses and many types of body armor (even though fully half those displayed fire pistol rounds, and most of the rest would fire the medium powered .223 or 7.62X39).

And you can still buy kits to make them full auto. (?)

Anti gun people don't bother me -- but trying to take away our rights and our heritage through blatant lies does:

Assault weapon lecture by an idiot

Another beauty ... high capacity is anything over 6 bullets, which is the standard for "hunters."

High cap mags

The above is just a sampling. If you feel like a few laughs or have any doubts that anti-gun people are purposefully using lies and propoganda to fight us, you can see more here:

gun lies


New member
Funny. She mentioned a .50 cal assault weapon. Per her term, an assault weapon is meant to "spray fire from the hip." I'd love to see someone spray firing a .50 cal from the hip.

There are times I detest the internet and this is one of those times. :barf:


New member

I noticed that comments are disabled on these videos. That was probably a good idea. ;)

Anyway, my blood pressure didn't move. Just another idiot, the world is filled with them. I'm not too worried about how much damage she might to do our second amendment rights, either, since I've seen high school presentations that were better put together and delivered than this...and more accurate.


New member
This lady has a complete and total lack of knowledge about the subject she is talking about. She is using anti buzz words, and lies, and her delivery is poor and faltering. My 7th grader gives better reports than that. They stutter and hem-haw around because they truely have no idea what they are talking about.

I won't even begin to pick apart all the total inaccuracies of her report. They are almost as bad as my spelling, and I just don't have that much time. The sad part is that some people believe this crap from this stuttering moron.


New member
Leave her be

Seriously, she's such a poor presenter, on such a poor sight, with such poor *easily* refuted info she isn't real big on anyone's radar. On the other hand... get someone to debate her on live TV.

Seriously, her main-site graphic has a *cartridge* leaving the barrel. Man! I'm salivating just *thinking* about debating her. Lord! Just ask the girl questions and after she's done with her 1 minute spiel, and 1 minute worth of "ums" you ask her for more details on that topic, and then ask stuff like "are you *sure* assault weapons fire bullets that are more powerful?" and then make her look like a total goober.

Wait! Better idea! Debate the chick and film it. Then post it on Youtube! Oh god, it would go viral!



New member

Look at the pattern in her blinking! It's Morse Code! Wait... lemme decode it...
I've... been... taken... hostage... by... brain... sucking... aliens... they... won't... return... me... until... umm... they... get... brains... umm...

She needs our help and sympathy, not our anger!


Garand Illusion

New member
Sadly ... many people will use these as education videos on gun ownership.

If I was going to do a "talking head" video to put on the internet, I would be carefully reviewing every single fact I was stating so whether they agreed with me or not people watching it would at least respect my knowledge.

Of course I would represent the information in a manner that supported my POV, but my facts would be flawless.

This woman did absolutely nothing but repeat anti-gun propoganda. Ridiculous stuff easily refuted.