Need to find two books from someone who ships to Europe


New member
In my collections, there are not "Second Place Winner" by Bill Jordan and "Secrets of Double Action Shooting" by Bob Nichols. I'm an old fashioned revolver nut, I must have those.
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old bear

New member
In my collections, there are not "Second Place Winner" by Bill Jordan and "Secrets of Double Action Shooting" by Bob Nichols. I'm an old fashioned revolver nut, I cannot fail to own them.



New member
and maybe someone knows of a seller who ships to Europe, those books are revolver classics, after all


New member
tell you what, you find the books and buy 'em and i'll ship 'em to you.
last package i sent to france cost $25, so that's a guideline re cost.


New member
Thanks guys! :D

I bought No Second Place Winner right now. I guess a title like that implies you buy it first, I'll keep looking for Bob Nichols book.
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New member
Hello, "No second Place Winner" arrived a couple of days ago, I've been working on it since then. This Jordan guy rocks, I tell you: using my handmade led laser revolver, I'm practicing his hip shooting and I quickly moved from pillows to light switches as targets. I'm nowhere as fast as he was, though, not even in my dreams.