Need statistical help!

True Texan

New member
I have to analyze Michael Moore’s "Making of America", :barf: for a college class. In order to create a cohesive argument against Moore's video I would like some statistics on gun owners, "gun crime", etc. I only have until Sunday night to do this. Can anybody provide me with websites where I can get facts? Also, any advice on creating an argument against the film would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

True Texan

New member
"What class is this in?"

Ironically, U.S. History; it is a new idea that several professors are trying. We were showed the video today and it ceased to be funny after about 15 seconds. It can be found on you tube if you search "Michael Moore making of America". At first I thought it was an episode of South Park.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
One point you want to pound on is the number of firearms in private ownership that are NOT used in crimes. This heavy ratio of noncriminal use vs criminal use sort of says how dangerous firearms are.


New member
"Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America", Gary Kleck

This was probably the seminal publication dealing with guns and there use.
Not just shootings, but other uses.