Need some Tumbler tips


New member
I'm using Berrys tumbler and polish. As the directions on the polish says I add 2 capfuls of polish per 1000 rounds of 9MM. and 1 capful on each next batch. what I'm seeing is the brass comes out very clean and shiny,However when I De-cap and resize I get a blackish film on the clean brass, I suspect I have to much polish.

So what is the correct way to use my new tumbler?
I'm using corn media made for tumblers.

Master Blaster

New member
The black stuff is from Bullet lube if hard cast, case lube, powder and dust building up in the dies. clean your dies with a Q-tip and paint thinner(spairingly on the qtip)
every 200 or so rounds. if you have dillon dies pull the pin on top to remove the insert.


New member
Try this also, toss a few pieces of a dryer sheet in with the brass and media. It will catch some of that free lube and polish knocking around in the tumble, it really will cut down on the static generated (I live in the desert and it is an annoyance) and your brass comes out smelling spring time fresh. :)

Are you sure that the black streaks are not coming from grundge built up in your dies? Take your dies apart and clean them with acetone or denatured alcohol.


New member
I cleaned the dies mostly it is the decapping/sizing die. still had the problem,next I retumbled the same bunch of brass in new media with out any polish and when I started to de-Cap no more black streaks this is why I'm sure it's polish. How do you guys use your tumblers? How much polish and do you add between batches of brass?

Big Bunny

New member
Coolray -Could it be simply brass fouling or powder oxidization maybe transferring, or on the dies or lube used?

If it continues I would suspect too much/long periods of over-enthusiastic tumbling or too much polish, or too much for the quantity/quantity of media?
The die may be trying to do a bit of extra polishing of its own maybe !

What lube do you use for re-sizing? Could it be contaminated? Do you clean your dies regularly? Are your hands clean?

The first time it happens it may be just the accumulation of gunk (as dust) in the media from your old brass ?
[IE all those years when you didn't tumble.... ;) because you thought it was a waste of time ...!!!]

Keep us informed, we will beat this problem together at TFL !!



New member
What lube do you use for re-sizing? Could it be contaminated? Do you clean your dies

Being a new reloader I must get information wherever I can.
I'm using Lee Carbide dies. Lee says do not cue any lube so I don't. Yes I wash up before I start a load session.

I cleaned the dies, and today I did not see any black stuff,I suppose it is pplish,So I'll play with the amount until I learn the right combo.


Staff Alumnus
I only use one capful of Dillon's brass polish in my media. First, I dump in the media (minus the brass). Then I add a capful of the Dillon polish. Afterwards, I tumble the media and polish (no brass) for about 2 hours (or whenever I remember to turn it off ;)). Finally, I add the brass and let it tumble for an hour or so.

I only add the brass polish when the brass start to come out dull. I don't feel there's a need to use polish all the time.


New member
The Berrys tumbler is really quiet.
The only time it gets noisy is at the start when the media is mixing with the brass about 1 minute. Berrys lists it's capacity at 1000 9mm and midways lists theirs at 600 9mm.
The Berry's bowl is 11.5" across 5.5" Deep 4 quart capacity
I put about 600 in yesterday took about 90 min to get cleaned. It really mixes well and at $48 with a large nut and clear lid, it was a great value!


New member
Don't waste your money on fancy "case polish."

Any ammonia-free metal polish suitable for brass will do the exact same job.

I like White Magic Metal Polish (rabbit on front) from NAPA auto parts. Big 16 ounce bottle for $4.99. It will last you a long time since on 4 or 5 drops are needed per batch.


New member
I use two batches of media. 1st with a dab of auto rubbing compound(fine) then just plain just plain. I figure one cleans, one polishes/removes the junk the first put on.After the first stuff gets to dirty i replace it with the second batch, and add the compound.
Do you all tumble before you remove the primers or after? I like to polish after removing the primer to clean the pocket, but then you have to get the media out of the flash hole.
Any suggestions? Thanks


New member
I've never used polish, just walnut media. While I suspect my rounds aren't quite as shiny as some, they're clean and they shoot just fine. The only reason I polish them at all is to get the grit and soot off them before reloading.

And yes, I think you're using too much polish. :)