Need some legal Help!


New member
OK, guys I am just now starting to get back into guns. I used to be really into guns when I was 13 or so, but like most 13 year olds I got interested in videogames and girls. Anyway, when I was 16 I made some bad choices. To make a long story short I ended up getting 3 class C felonies. The felonies were NOT gun or drug related. This all happened about 6 years ago. I have not gotten into any more trouble since this one time (not even a speeding ticket). Since I now want to get back into hunting and sport shooting I called the local ATF office here. The guy told me that since I was a juvenile when it happened I could still legally own a gun. I am still worried about trying to go buy a gun. It's illegal to try and buy a gun if you have a felony (Isn't it?).Should I believe what this guy told me or should I talk to a lawyer? Thanks in advanced.



New member
Have a talk with a lawyer who is cognizant of the gun laws and see if your juvie record has been sealed. A simple records check should reveal that.


New member
If the ATF guy ran a NICS check on you and it came up clean, you should be good to go.

The record may have been sealed upon completion of probation, in which case it is as though it never happened.

Mine was. ;)
Depending on the state you're in, juvenile records can be sealed and expunged. The concept is that when you're young and stupid (like most of us were), you're apt to get into trouble. Society doesn't hold this against you until you reach retirement and by sealing it, gives you a second chance. You need to contact an attorney to petition the court to seal and expunge your record. It'll cost some ducats (livres, crowns, thalers, sheckels, or plain old fashion loot), but it's worth it.


New member
If the ATF guy ran a NICS check on you and it came up clean, you should be good to go.

The record may have been sealed upon completion of probation, in which case it is as though it never happened.

Mine was.

Can and will they run a nics check if you ask them to?

4V50 Gary, I lived in washington state when all this happened. I know in the court papers it said my record would be sealed 5 years after my 18th Birthday. Witch is next year.

I can kinda run a background check on myself. My wife works at Kmart(I know, I know but she like's it there.) and is good friends with the sporting goods guys. I could probaly get them to run a background check on me, but I don't know. SHould I try this? Is it illegal for me to try and buy a gun when I can't have one?

Sorry for all the questions. I just want some opinions before I go spend a lot of $$$ on an attorney.

deanf, Thank you!


Justin Moore

New member

I don't think running the NICS check would be a good idea, because then it might look like you are TRYING to buy a gun. If your felonies are still listed, then where would you be?

If you just want advice from a lawyer, you prolly won't get charged for it. If you need something DONE, that's where the money comes in. It wouldn't hurt to get a consultation with someone.


New member
This might help:

You can get a copy of your Washington Criminal History for $10.00. It could help a lot and save time when you consult with an attorney.

It's possible this won't include juvenile records, so it may not work for you.

Oh and if your username makes some reference to the kind of car you drive, I'm pretty sure you can't own a gun, and there's nothing you can do about it. I think it's a law.:p


New member
In my area here in Va, and in the area I grew up in NY, the local sheriff can run a background check on you if you ask nicely. Tell him your concern, and act apologetic about your past screw-ups.

To get a background on someone, all they need is reasonable cause of a crime commited or a crime to-be commited. They can legally run it through, since a crime would be commited if you purchased a gun.

If the felonies come through as real, in most states you can be granted an exception by your local sheriff to purchase firearms. He/she knows what to do- just ask.

And for your information, my sister's boyfriend has few of the big F's on his record from when he was a teen. He's twenty now and has legally purchased two firearms since his 18th birthday.

I had mine knocked down to misdemeanors...;)


New member
deanf, Thanks for the link. No my name does't make a reference to the kind of car I drive. My last name is Rice, but I do drive a toyota:p . Thanks all that have helped.



New member
DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVEN think of trying to run a NICS check..this is tantamount to TRYING to purchase,,,,,,,,,,,,,
And you will be GUILTY of ANOTHER crime.............
Make SURE your records are expunged, and you are free and clear.........


New member
I would like to thank DCR. He has given me a great deal of info. He lives here in Boise and happens to be deputy attorney general of Idaho. I have made a few phone calls and should have this all cleared up in a couple of months. But the best part is it's not going to cost me a dime.:D Thanks a bunch Don.


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
One thing we can never have enough of is lawyers from whom to sponge free legal advice.

As for the rest of you.....

CRIMINALS! GYPSIES! TRAMPS! THIEVES! ALL OF YOU! I never did anything stupid when I was a teenager....ever. Not once. And even if I had, the records would have been expunged by the Macoupin County records office in 1996, so don't bother looking.


New member
DCR and Riceman (a fellow Toy man :)), let me know if you want to go shooting sometime. I was at the informal range :D next to Black's Creek last Sunday morning.