Need some info on Project Exile


New member
There was a report on the 700 Club tonight about Project Exile in Richmond, VA.
It was a positive story, as the article/transcript shows:

The only problem I had with it was the lack of credit given to the NRA for helping get this program started.
I seem to recall that the NRA donated the initial funds to get the ball rolling, as there was no funding forthcoming from any government agency.
I couldn't find any reference to this financial contribution at the NRA website.
Was I mistaken?
Does anybody know, one way or the other?


New member
I started out only to answer a post but then ,when I was not looking, somehow, RANT MODE got switched on.
All this anti gun B~S
gets me to chewing on forged steel nails,
like toothpicks. soon ,I'll be chewing gun barrels like soda straws!!Naw-all this anti gun b~S doesn't upset me a bit, not at all ,right!

Clinton and other politicians stold the credit honestly belonging to the NRA.
The NRA got Project Exile started and was the driving force behind it but Project Exile was much opposed by President Clinton
until the NRA took Clinton before a Congressional Commettee probing into the truthfull alligations that Clinton was not enforcing the gun laws already on the books.

The Clinton administration cut federal prosecutions of armed felons with guns by 46%
from 1993 through 1999.
Clinton did 46% less gun prosecutions that under George Bush Senior in the previous 8 years.

Only when the spotlight of public opinion and media coverage of Clinton's
No Prosecution Of Armed Felons Policy and take the guns away via ( costly licensing & registration /taxation scheemes) from the law abiding gun owner instead of the criminals...
Only when these above mentioned policies
begin to be in danger of comming to light with serious public coverage and Congressional Commeette Probing of Clinton's wrongdoing ,did Clinton do a 180 degree turn around and espouse Project Exile
in order to look good to the media and the average uninformed sleeping sheeple otherwise called Democratic voters.

Let the government keep records on and license and register and tax armed felons and criminals and not law abiding gun owners.

The criminals, in say Michagan,(hypthetical example), do the wrongdoing and somehow , law abiding gun owners living thousands of miles away from the crime scene in California or Connecticut are
someheld held responsible and forced to comply with new anti gun rights laws that make it very hard and exceedling costly to legally own firearms while doing nothing to take guns away from criminals or to stop
illegal underground gun running.

The cops dont mess with the real crime gun suppliers because the criminal gun runners just kill every cop that messes with them on site. Shoot first and execute all survivors;
just like the big time drug dealers do it.

So, instead, the police put the screws to the lawfull federally licensed gun shops that only sell to law abiding state pistol permit holders.

SENCE DOES THIS MAKE? These laws are aimed at disarming the law abiding but do nothing to disarm the criminal.

REMEMBER, everything a criminal can do with a gun is already and has been for 30 years ,
illegal and so the democrats think that if
the criminals dont obey the law already on the books , lets just make another law covering the same topic and maybe this will make it twice as illegal for the criminal to have a gun.

It is just like an anti gun democrat to pass a law making it illegal for light bulbs to blow out and then expecting to never have to buy or change another light bulb. It is no wonder that these anti gun dimb bulbs are left in the dark!

When it is illegal for all the honest and law abiding citizens to own guns, all the criminals will be armed to the teeth and able to get whatever guns they desire at a moments notice , while all honest people are disarmed and at the mercy of the armed lawbreakers, with no police to be found within the next 2 hours.

Crime control and making the people safe is only the government's cover story for the nwo disarmament of America so that politicians can sell the USA out to the United Nations.

This high treason and illegal taxation
[theUN wants to illegally tax Americans to pay for UN's upkeep} can not be safely accomplished while 80 million Americans remain armed.

If we could not win the war on drugs in 30 years and we could not; what makes them think
that they can win the war on guns in the next 30 years; they will not.

But , you see, the so called "War on Guns"
allows the government to allocate tax dollars
to "programs" where the nmonies disappear into "pockets" and allows the government to pass DRACIONIAN laws and outrageiously tax
what is a God Given Right to Self Defense to
Own a Gun which predated the Constitution and is protected by the Constitution.

Furthermore; thes draconian gun laws will make criminals out of honest and law abiding American gun owners if the are too poor to afford the 100.oo per gun(to start with) tax
which in a few years , increased to 200.oo
per gun. Now some avid collecters,over a lifetime,own 200 or more guns.

Must they then pay the government 40,000.oo per year in gun registration taxes or become instant overnight criminals without commiting any crime???

Something is rotten in America and it is not law abiding gun owners.

Protect your second ammendment rights lest you end up with no rights at all.

Stop the United nations New World Order lest you end up with no America, no Constitution and UN taxation added to your city,state and federal taxation.

THis is your warning, there are many working against our America , both from within and without and remaining time is short; the UN Conference in Sept 2000 may be the begining of the end unless the USA withdraws from the UN.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited August 24, 2000).]


New member
As best I remember, the NRA donated $100,000 twice for advertising in Va. I'll see if I can find the reference - after I wake up. John in Richmond.


New member
I found a NY Times article from 2/10/99 that includes the statement: "The rifle association has contributed $125,000 to Richmond's efforts"
It also includes a good quote.
"Project Exile is so well known on the street, said David E. Boone, a criminal defense lawyer here, that "the first thing I hear now when I talk to a client is, 'Can you keep this from going Exile?' A lot of them can't add two and two, but they know a gun plus drugs equals five.""



If we could not win the war on drugs in 30 years and we could not; what makes them think
that they can win the war on guns in the next 30 years; they will not.

But , you see, the so called "War on Guns"
allows the government to allocate tax dollars
to "programs" where the nmonies disappear into "pockets" and allows the government to pass DRACIONIAN laws and outrageiously tax
what is a God Given Right to Self Defense to
Own a Gun which predated the Constitution and is protected by the Constitution.

Furthermore; thes draconian gun laws will make criminals out of honest and law abiding American gun owners if the are too poor to afford the 100.oo per gun(to start with) tax
which in a few years , increased to 200.oo
per gun. Now some avid collecters,over a lifetime,own 200 or more guns>>>>>

Im confused you talk like you dont support the war on the people (guns) but you support project exile.
What do you think exile is using enforcement against crime?
HELL no enforcement of gunlaws, sure in a few area's were seeing the pretty side of it
where you hear about the actual convicts being put away for carrying a gun.
But what happen's when many of these turn out to be midemeanor's.
Yes they do put our tax dollars where they care to do why the heck would I support the NRA in lobbying for more of my money to be spent to enforce gunlaws that weve all fought for so long,well not the NRA but the rest of us have.
Draconian gunlaws???
Umm Yeah what do you call the lautenburg gunban or so called 'gunfreeschool zones' or heck the NYC,chicago or washintonDC gun bans
these are all Laws on the books that the NRA
sais need to be enforced in order to cut down on crime.
Why dont the police and the judges simply do their jobs and put the badguys away when committing a crime.
To me this pulls us far away from the constitutional standard that if your a US citizen whose not comitted a violent felony you have the right to bear arms or in other words americans have the right to defend their lives
picking up a gun in public for your defense does not make you a criminal.
'Hey you didnt pay your 200 dollar tax for that shorter barrel and thanks to the NRa we have enough prosecuter's to put you away for the full 5 years, you should have obeyed the law'
Yes gunowners abiding by unconstitutional laws how far we have come.....

Also their is one group working to get the US out of the socialist anti-freedom UN
it is the jOhn birch society join up and support the actions


You can probably find information on NRA support of Project exile on the NRA web site, or perhaps the lobbying arm of the NRA.

You'll find that many of us on this board are ticked off over project exile primarily because the NRA for the first time is openly anti-Constitution on this issue. Project exile originally was based on enforcing federal firearms laws which are unconstitutional. Some of these laws, such as carrying guns in school, had already been struck down by the Supreme Court.

I don't see how it can benefit the NRA to push for federal firearm enforcement when criminal law constitutionally is to be handled by the States.

The NRA is selling out because they know the average American has probably never read the Constitution. For instance note the Republicrats discussing the Department of Education and then read the Constitution and try to find where they got the authority for such a monstrosity. You won't find it.


Project Exile will soon be corrupted (just like RICO) and will be used to prosecute the rest of us. Mark my words.


VALDEZ---some have said the NRA's latest version of the project exile their trying to get through congress sends the money to the states to help them put criminals away on a state level by enforcing their many different gunlaws.
This will in no way be a helper.One tiny example the 30 some odd mayors suing the gun industry.
You think these guys arent going to leap for joy when they get more money to train their local boys about their many city and state gunlaws or for many governor's like the
Gov.Hull of the only state suing the gun industry so far he will likely enjoy having a
better equipped and manned state ATf to make
the streets safer with ENFORCEMENT of NAZI RACIST gunlaws.
C,mon people send the NRA money help exile gunownership and let every american know that restrictions make us safer not less government involvement and interference in our lives.

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"


New member
Exile, for the NRA, was a good PR stunt. It may have shifted public opinion toward enforcing existing laws (many of which I disagree with, thanks to the education I've received here), and away from passing new laws. The $64,000 question is whether the law-abiding will be swept into the net. After doing volunteer work for a similar program in Milwaukee, I'm biting my nails as to whether I did good or not.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.