Need some help on getting someone out of a bad situation.

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Moderator forgiveness is asked. It's not firearms related, but it's related to generalities with identities.

I have a friend of mine who lives in upstate NY. He's 23 years of age. He lives with his mother and her room mate. As a result of social anxiety disorder (At least that's the reason given), he recieves an SSI check from the government direct deposited.

He himself never sees the check. Though the check itself is in his name, the account is a joint account between him, his mother, and her room mate.

Now, before any of you start harping on "Oh, this guy is a leech on our tax money", let me explain a little further on what exactly is going on:

When the friend was growing up, his "family" was under constant scrutiny by child welfare authorities with him and his siblings. The room mate's kids were also targeted. This created an atmosphere of almost constant paranoia and control during his childhood.

At 23, he's still there at the house. He not only pays rent to the room mate (taken out of the account without his consent), there's also strict rules that he has to follow. He has to clean up extensive messes left by others, and cannot go outside without their permission. If he does leave without it, when he gets back, he gets verbally abused by the room mate until he either tells them the truth, or tells them what they believe to be the truth.

It gets even worse. Apparently, the income that the room mate gets from the rent is supplementing the room mate's income. The room mate's kids were taken away from her over a year ago. CPS requires reporting of the income of the person before even considering giving the kids back to the parents. With how little money she makes, the extra 300 dollars helps bolster her argument that she can have the kids back because she's more financially stable.

Unfortunately, they remind my friend of this a lot. I've pretty much convinced him that he's not responsible for her laziness, but he believes it's much worse for the kids to be in foster care than be with their mother (I disagree, considering the way she treats him).

At the moment, I have him wanting to leave the situation now. However, there's a crapload of stumbling blocks.

1. Because of the fact that these people are under the impression that his SSI check is the only chance of them getting their kids back, I can't expect them to just go along with this quietly and agreeably.

2. He's in the state of New York. For anyone worth their salt, this means that there's no way a non-resident can possess a handgun. This essentially means I'm lethally defenseless if the room mate decides to commit an act of violence in response (similar to the way an abusive husband reacts to a battered wife trying to leave him).

3. Assuming 1 is correct, they will not turn over his birth certificate. The only form of identification he has is his Social Security card, and an expired learners permit which expired more than two years ago. The DMV will not accept a learner's permit that was expired more than two years ago.

4. The town in Connecticut where he was born will not hand over a copy of a birth certificate without a valid photo ID. If he has an expired photo ID, they want a utility bill and his SSN number. He has no utility bills at his current residence.

5. Even if we were to be able to get the birth certificate, when we get back to New York, New York is not an instant issue ID state like Oregon and Florida is. They take 2 weeks to issue a new photo ID. Since he has no other residence in NY other than his family's residence, any ID's he may get would just end up in their mailbox.

6. The only thing we can get from the DMV instantly is one of those temporary non-photo ID's with his name and address. I have no guarantee that the TSA security agents at JFK will accept it, along with an expired ID and a valid SSN. I tried calling JFK, and the person on the phone wouldn't give me a straight answer.

Even worse, my only option is airline. No car on my part.

Does anyone have an idea, or suggestions? This is sorta similar to what happened in the 1970's with cult followings. Some groups required turning over all copies of your ID, your birth certificate, everything. As soon as your ID's expire, and you can't get another birth certificate without that ID, it's a catch 22 and seems unresolvable.

One thing I ask when you make suggestions: Please don't try to ask me how I know him, or ask why is he's in this situation, or how he got himself into it. That's besides the point.

My question, and my asking, is how you would get him out of this situation? He wants out, he just has no way of actually being able to take care of these things until someone actually picks him up and takes his stuff out.

DMV stuff: New York State
Birth Certificate Stuff: Connecticut
Airport: JFK
Target To Move: Oregon



New member
If He is drawing a SSI Check in his name then he can go to the Bank and open a new account. If anyone gives him any trouble then you need to contact the Social Security Office and get them involved. Also probably the local Social Services Office and Police Department as this is appears to be fraud or theft by the other woman. Only him or his mother, if she has legal guardianship granted by a court as he is of legal age, should have access to his money.


New member
Mmmm, tough questions.

I'd probably start by getting him physically out of state and away from them. Target that for the day after the check arrives in his acct; have him get to the bank and ... argh, that won't work, will it? He has no way of proving to the bank that he is himself.

Hmmm. Well, if you were willing to carry him for awhile, you could still start by getting him physically out of state and away from them. Kiss the bank acct $$ goodbye (doubt it's much anyway). Then follow steps below. Or do below first, then get him physically away from them. Guess it depends which is more urgent?

To get his ID, have him open up a mailbox account at Mailboxes Etc or similar business. Then have him write to the county of his birth, requesting a birth certificate -- to be sent to his MBE address. Yes, he could still have his 'regular' address at the same time; they needn't conflict and his family needn't discover the MBE address. (Let him use your name and address as a reference if MBE needs to contact him for any reason, so there are no misplaced phone calls to spoil his privacy.)

Once he has a birth certificate, he can get a SS card, a driver's license, and get $$ from the bank. I'd advise him doing the SS card and the DL first -- without letting his family know (yeah, I know) -- or at least a state ID card (that's just a fee, no tests). Then he can go to the bank and get his money out.

Once he has his ID and some money in his pocket, you can go rescue him physically if he still needs it, unless you opted to do that first.

I'm sure others could refine these very rough ideas.


Fred Hansen

New member
What about the train?

Better still would be to take him to the nearest Social Security office and have him explain where his check has been going all this time. They might find what he has to say interesting as well as the possiblity that they could help him with his ID problems.

Sounds like a bad deal all the way around. Good luck.


Is the social anxiety disorder developed to deal with the oppressive situation, or is he staying in the oppressive situation only because of the anxiety over dealing with it properly?

Either way, someone needs to make him realize that he needs to leave and deal with any family fallout. Unless he wants to live like that for the rest of his life.


New member
Is the social anxiety disorder developed to deal with the oppressive situation, or is he staying in the oppressive situation only because of the anxiety over dealing with it properly?

When the people who raised you don't teach you the methods of living out on your own for their own greed, the answer is probably both.


New member
I agree with jmbg - take him to SS and see what they can do.

Hmm - you are in OR and he in in NY - I assume?

You might call the SS office and ask them or even call the Attorney Generals office and see if they can direct you to something...

You might also look at/into groups for domestic violence victims - I would bet that they have seen this before and can help get it sorted out.

Whats the difference between this and a crook trying to take someones identity? What he needs to do is try and steal his own identity :D

Sounds like a sad sitch.


New member
I'm in Virginia. If I had your problem here, I'd start by contacting the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (formerly the Department for the Rights of Virginians with Disabilities). They have staff lawyers, and others, who should be able to help with the ID questionsl.

I don't know about New York. Try the following site for lists of advocacy agencies. One call could get you the number of the right agency. I'd start with the 3rd entry in the 2nd group.

The local mental health clinic would also know who to contact.



New member
Are any of these people your friend's payee? If so, that can complicate matters. Or, could make things easier if they have not disclosed expences to Social Security.

Nothing you mentioned sounds illegal and your friend will have to be vocal (with whomever gets involved) regardless of his disability. He is an adult and the system will view his wishes over anyone else's.

Two lines of thought come to mind with your problems:

One: Talk with his Mom and/or room mate under the premise of having him come out to visit you. Let them unwittingly do some of the leg work (BS, SS#, State ID and the like). They might even be happy to think your friend might be away for a few weeks.

Two: If he is capable, send him money for the greyhound or purchase a ticket he can pick up at the counter (although SAD may prevent him from taking a bus).

Anyone can get a copy of anyones birth certificate, it is the law. Try contacting Vital Stats and request a copy. I would not be surprised if you can order one, or at least get the forms, on-line.

Three: Fly there yourself, pick him up, take the bus/train home. Work out the other details later (people move out of state. lose there ID, SS card and birth certificate all the time. No big deal to replace).

Contacting Adult Protective services may also be in order. If nothing else they will have to investigate your complaint and if the allegations are unsubstaniated, so what. The Mom and room mate are on notice.

Also, if his SAD to the point he collects SSI he is certain to have a therapist, communtiy support provider, and psychiatrist (most likely from the community mental health center, he can tell you who and where). You can have your friend give them verbal consent to talk to you (or fax a release of info back and fourth). They are the ones that can facilitate the move and hurdle over the "road blocks" (and quite possibly already know a whole lot more about the situation than you, and are just waiting for someone to step up).

Good luck,


(okay, a few lines of though come to mind)


New member
Hmm, I take it there's no way for him to get a driver's license? It seems weird that they won't give him his birth certificate. It may be different in every state, but here in AR I was able to pick up my sister's birth certificate without any problems. My step-father was also able to get a copy of my birth certificate for me in California. I would call the health department where he was born myself and see if there's any way around this. Also, have him rummage around his mother's stuff -- she may very well have a copy of his birth certificate around the house somewhere. With a birth certificate he could get a passport. There's really no way to travel these days without a photo ID. As others suggested, I would call a local advocacy group or crisis center hotline, I'm sure there's a good legal way out of this! Good luck!


New member
Hmmm, sure enough, Connecticut requires a photo id to get a copy of your own birth certificate.

My serious advice would be to get him physically out of that house first, then deal with the paperwork and legal hassles later. Are there any friends he could stay with temporarily? The disability resources suggestion was a good one; there might be shelters or homes where he go to ground while he deals with this. Or maybe he should call the local lawyers' association and see if he could get someone to take his case pro bono. It's amazing sometimes what a couple of letters from a lawyer can accomplish.

My more tongue-in-cheek answer would be that he could report himself dead to the SS office. Then the checks would stop coming, and it's pretty likely he'd be kicked out awfully fast. His mother would probably go to Connecticut herself to get his b.c. if it would help get him out of there faster.


New member
If the DA or AG are not helpful perhaps (the hated letters) ACLU would be of help? This sounds as if a case for slavery could be made.


New member
Tough situation... find a local advocate to work with...

You do not have a NYS driver license or learner permit that is now valid1 or that was valid1 in the last two years, you must show six points of proof of identity, proof of date of birth and your Social Security Card2.

SS card - 2 points

W2 form (must include SS number) 1 point

Computer-printed Pay stub (must have your name) or Employee ID Card 1 point

High School Diploma OR GED (General Education Diploma) 1 point

Supermarket Check Cashing Card - 1 point

Any one (and only one) of the following - 1 point
Bank Statement
Cancelled Check (with your pre-printed name)
Cash (ATM) Card (must have pre-printed name and your signature)
Valid Major U.S. Credit Card

Really needs the birth certificate for proof of date of birth...


Section 19a-41-2, of the Connecticut State Agencies’ Regulations, requires that anyone requesting a copy of a birth certificate in the State of Connecticut, either in person or by mail, must submit a photocopy of a picture identification.

The person requesting the copy of the birth certificate must submit a photocopy of a picture ID. You can do that for your friend.

The power of the internet, stronger than the power of cheese... :D
Get your friend a Lawyer in his area. Trying to sort this out without skilled help is asking for trouble. Trying to do it from out of town is begging for it.


New member
You can try contacting your local church to see if they can help. Some churches like the one my parents attend does a lot of social/welfare service work for people in their community and many of those request for help comes from churches in other community or even other country that knows someone here who need help. I think there is some kind of loose network of churches who help one another in their community and those outside.

If you local church does not have any contacts in your friends community, other option is to contact a church in your friend's community directly to see if they can help in this situation.


New member
Are there any friends he could stay with temporarily?

Actually, the friend he's going to be staying with is me, here in Oregon.

The person requesting the copy of the birth certificate must submit a photocopy of a picture ID. You can do that for your friend.

Only if he was born before 1902. Otherwise, only a person himself and his parents can request it. So can a court appointed guardian.

Legally, there's little risk to this. Getting SSI's cooperation on this is going to be difficult. They might ask for valid photo ID before even talking about his checks. xxxxxxxx 9/11 regs. :mad:
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Bud Helms

Senior Member
OKAAAYYY! Well, I think we can take care of this through email. Closed. Not for lack of sympathy. Just for being way off-topic.
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