Need some help breaking something!


New member
Guys, with Rich's permission I am posting a request for help for a new website I am developing.

What I need is people to sign up for the newsletter, which is at this time being used for a request to test parts of the site I consider in the "beta" phase, and giving feedback on design, bugs, and features.

The requests and addresses for testing will start going out on Monday and I'll probably send one once a week.

The site is not scheduled to be fully operational until December 1 of this year, so I have time to get all my bits and bytes in a row. I need the time, too, because I am doing all of the programming myself. :eek:

So, those of you who like to break things, this is your invitation to help me do so!

Go to and sign up for the newsletter. The first test will start on Monday. There is a link with each newsletter to unsubscribe (that needs to be tested, as well!) if you want to opt out.

If you don't want to wait for the newsletter to come out, you can send me feedback for what you will see at the above link to:

Please do not use this forum to give me feedback about the site. A message about who has signed up, though, would be great!

Disclaimer: No infomation will be sold or passed to any other party/company/individual.

Your help, suggestions, and feedback are greatly appreciated! :D

(George Hill, thanks for the link!)


New member
Thanks guys!

JFYI, when you subscribe, there is a confirmation letter that is sent to the email address that you enter. You must follow the directions in that email to confirm your subscription.

Your help is greatly appreciated! :D


New member
Just a bump to say that I really could use some more people to test this out. :)

It's not hard, you don't have to know how to program, just how to use a site as simple as TFL. And I know that out of the 200+ that have viewed this, some of you could really give me some valuable input.



New member

Yes, Steve.

(booming voice)"I HAVE THE POWERRRRRR!!"

For everyone else,

Once you get past that, (and it really doesn't take that long) you will get to the newsletter subscription screen. If you are willing to help me test this site (as I don't have a Mac, OS/2, Linux/UNIX boxes and all their customizable configuration, netscape (all versions), IE (all versions), Opra (all versions)) sign up for it. I'm using it to send URL's to specific features for testing, about once a week.

It's quite simple. Go to the URL, use it as a normal user would, and if there are any problems, write me back and let me know.

Piece of cake!:D

If you sign up, please remember to respond to the verification letter that the site sends you for your subscription.

The subscription emails will never be used for spam and never be sold or shared with anyone else.


New member
Seemed to work fine.

I would recommend putting a "skip intro" link on the intro movie. Or, since it's just a splash page til you launch, I'd recommend putting the "subscribe" link below the movie at the beginning. Some of us are impatient.

Just out of curiosity, what pattern are you using to validate the e-mail address? I assume you're checking it against a regular expression?


New member
Thanks, Joe.

I'll add that link to the teaser. That's a good idea!

Yes, I am pattern matching the email address against a regular expression. I don't know of any other email patterns... yet. :)

If I give you that pattern, are you going to try to break it? :D

I'll send you a private email later today.

BTW, love the pigeon clustering!


New member
I'm in

And I can break ANYTHING (I write software for a living) I have (currently) 11 file servers, and 7 other PCs running (yes, in my home office)...Lemme know if there's something specific you wanna test, I can probably do it


New member
We'll help

... we (ProDG ) specialise in usability and do web site analysis and evaluations, too ...

... I personally love the idea of such a site ... so, count on our bitching and moaning :D ...

one for the road:
• don't start with Flash right from the start ... many people do not appreciate having to download a plugin to be able to view (your) pages ... some can't, even if they would like to (firewalls etc.) ... I suppose 85% of the visitors you are looking at won't have time or patience to download a 'flashy' site plus the plugin required >>> produce a static HTML mirror site and give the visitor the option to enter either ...

cheers and beers


New member
Thanks guys!


That flash is going to disappear at site launch. It's a teaser/trailer, nothing more. :)