Need quick help...


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Arguing with an anti Bush co-worker whose main point seems to be "Bush can't even pick a cabinet member without problems." Does anyone have any archived info concerning some of Klinton's problem picks?


New member
Zoe Baird withdrew from the nomination of attorney general when it was disclosed that she hired illegal aliens as domestic help. She was replaced by Reno.

In 1993, his Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Nomination withdrew due to the nominee's writings on civil rights and affirmative action quotas.

In 1995, the senate refused to bring the nomination of Dr. Henry Foster to a vote.


New member
After Zoe Baird klinton nominated Kimba Wood for Attorney General. She had the same problem - hiring illegals as nannies. She was replaced by Janet Reno. The major difference between klinton's cabinet picks and George W's is that klinton was picking people because of their race, sex, etc. Bush is picking people whom he believes are best qualified for the job regardless of race, sex, etc.
It's a dam shame that Chavez has withdrawn.