Need price opinion on used S&W 629 Mountain


New member
I'm thinking of picking up a used .44mag S&W model 629 Mountain gun (I think that's what it's called). I've found one in very nice shape: Stainless, 4" bbl, finger-groove wood grips, appears lightly used. They're asking $400.

Good deal? Bad deal? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Very nice gun and a very good price. Buy a early Christmas present for yourself and enjoy it. :)



The mountain guns have the old style pencil barrel to reduce weight.
Four hundred bucks for one in the condition you describe it a good price. Not stealing it, but still very good.


New member
I am assuming it actually says "Mountain Gun" on the side of the barrel?

The wood grips must have been put on to replace the Hogue rubber grips that came with the gun.

I don't think you can go wrong for that price. I think it is the best all-around revolver you can buy.


New member
This is just my two cents whatever that means. if i were you i would buy a 629 classic 44, you pick the size. Shooting a 44 mag out of the mountain gun can be a little harsh. the 629 classic has a full lug for balance and recoil. the mountain gun does not. shop around you can find a classic for about the same money. It is an awesome revolver. i looked at the mountain gun first, shot one that my friend had, notice i said had. he sold it. i bought the 629 classic instead. glad that i did. His was for sale in a gun shop for 375.00.
:D :D :D


New member
Ed is right. There is a noticeable difference in the amount of recoil when you shoot heavy loads because of the lack of forward weight compared to the standard 629.

I have shot both, and the standard 629 tames the really heavy loads much better. I still love my Mountain Gun, though. If you are planning on primarily using the gun for extended range sessions with heavy loads- get the standard 629. For hunting, and general toting around get the Mountain Gun.


New member
Thanks all!

Yeah Ed, I know what you guys mean about the noticeable difference in recoil. I have a plain ol' Dirty Harry issue model 29 and I love it dearly. My friend has the "Mountain Gun" and while it's not quite as fun to shoot, I envy the (as MountainGun44 put it) "general toting around" ability. I often feel I should have a .44 when I'm dumbing around in the woods, but the 29 is just too much iron and it always gets left at home.

Anyway, I went down to the shop to pick it up and it was already gone (no early Christmas present for me :(). Looks like it was indeed a good deal. Guess I'll just have to keep looking.

Thanks again for your help everyone.

[This message has been edited by JJR (edited November 07, 2000).]

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I have owned 4" and 6" model 29's as made by S&W. However, I currently own a 5" barrel 629-5 classic; and it is no comparison with the 29's. This thing has a "slick as glass"
action, and is very controllable, even with the heaviest of handload's!!! :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member