Need opinions for CCW


New member
I currently have a Glock-19, but it is to large for my to carry. So, I decided to buy a new one, but Im having a hard time deciding which pistol to purchase for concealed carry. My top three choice are Para Worthog, Glock 36 or Kimber Ultra Covert II. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks


New member
I would go with the G26. And since you have a 19 already you can go ahead and use those mags as extras with the G26 if you want to. They should shoot somewhat similar and if you like the feel of the 19 you might like the feel of the 26.


New member
I've been through this problem many times. A small Kahr rides best, but I much prefer the cocked and locked trigger of a CZ Rami.

My other carry piece is a snub K frame revolver. A J frame is smaller, but the K's trigger makes it easier to shoot well.


New member
Without any first hand experience, I have read enough about problems with the micro 1911 pattern guns to make me wary. I think they are ++cool, but would have cash and time and gunsmith available just in case.

would have to go with the fantastic plastic Glock out of the choices you gave if I wanted something to grab and go.


New member
1911s function best as Gov't Models (i.e., 5 inch barrels). I could not recommend anything shorter than 4.5 or 4 inches in barrel length.

Truth be told a 1911 Gov't Model is easy to carry - much easier than a Glock: use a good gun belt and a proper holster (IWB would probably work best).

michael t

New member
Time to put the under 4" myth to rest the new Colts Defender and Agents are proving very reliable. I have a Officer 3 1/2" and a Defender 3" I carry Defender daily It has been stone cold relieable. I just laid a way a new Colt agent. I wouldn't be buying another if these 3 " were unrelieable. I also have a old Detonics. Yep relieable.
Kimber compacts are also relieable .But seems Colts are little better. I had a Para and it was bad .It what caused me to try a Colt Officer also 100% relieable . Since the Officer I have never looked at another Para Compact.
Go to a 1911 forum board check what owners of the Defender and now Agent are saying Accurate ,relieable, and controllable are 3 words you will see most. My bigger Colts spend lots of time at home. Defender on hip at present time

Shadi Khalil

New member
if i was you, i would go with the g36. I just cant put my faith in a compact 1911 and i dont understand how others can. It just doesnt seem like a practical choice for the regualr civilian worried about the common street thug. i owned two, one springfield adn one kimber, both 3inchers. both needed new mags right away. Kimbers and springfields dont seem to work with the mags kimber and springfield make for there guns (?) Both need extensive brake in periods (after which the guns never opereatd flawless throughout a nomral range session.) Not to mention having to try out every single type of JHP till i could find one that fed through the gun without incident (none) Also, its a nightmare to lug around all day. The g36 will mostly likely work right out the box, function with the mags provided and work with most ammo. I dont personaly own one but i have a friend who has had one for a few years now. I find it to be a joy to shoot and he loves to carry it......The para, its the same platform as the kimber. Runa search on it in this fourm


New member
Definitely whatever you can have confidence in, that's key. I have an old-school 4" steel Kimber that I'm not sure I would want to try living without. Can't stand the feel of a Glock in hand, let alone on the hip, but there are many devoted fans and they can't all be wrong. There are so many 1911's out there that it sometimes suffers from bad association. Kimbers, Springfields and Colts all seem to do very well when designed with hollowpoints in mind (feedramp and magazine is key here just as it is in a Glock, it's just that you don't have every yahoo with a mill trying to make their version of a Glock.) The 1911 is slim, powerful, solid and when you get a solid one, extremely reliable. I have not had one single stovepipe or other hiccup in this Kimber and I must have put something on the order of 1500 rnds into it.
Best thing as always is to get to a range that'll let you spend some time with these guns you're thinking on. Get a feel for them in hand and on your hip. Make your choice, find the best deal you can, put 500 rounds through it and you'll know whether it's a keeper, a tuner or a seller.


New member
I'm not knocking them due to "unreliability", but due to the higher maintenance schedule to maintain said reliability.


New member
I would go with a G26, since you already own a G19. You'll love the 26. I certainly do. But my primary is generally a Kimber Ultra CDP. Also, somebody noted that a 3 inch 1911 is a "nightmare to lug around all day?" My Ultra is far easier to carry than my G26 as it's slimmer. Weight is about the same.