Need nominations for the top 10 traitors to the Constitution.

Warm Bore

New member
Howdy all,

I'm putting together a small web-site in which I will name the "Top 10" traitors to the Constitution. I'm looking for current traitors (not deceased). Please give their name and the primary reason they should make the top 10. Feinstein and Brady should rank up there so assume they will make the list. Feel free to rank the nominees as you see fit. I'll take you rankings under consideration before I post the web-site. Free speech is alive and well. Exercise it here.

Thanks for the help,

Warm Bore
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New member
1) Chuckie "I never held a real job" Schumer
2) Ted "I murdered Mary Jo" Kennedy
3) Caroline "You should let your family be shot like mine" McCarthy
4) Diane "Lying Liberal piece of filth" Feinstein
5) Hillary " It's a vast right-wing conspiracy" Clinton
6) Mario " I wanna be a creep like dad" Cuomo
7) Sarah " Can't die of Cancer soon enough" Brady
8) John " I bought the election" Corzine
9)Blagovich or whatever that vampire from Illinois is called.
10) John " Benedict Arnold" McCain

There are more but these immediately come to mind!

P.S. I hope Daly of Chicago slips on a bar of soap!

I think the reasons for these people being traitors is quite obvious to all members of this board!

Herr Walther

New member
Bill Clinton and Jane i'mnotFonda her immediately come to mind.

Biggest traitor Bitch I can think of. Too bad she wasn't standing in front of one of those artillery pieces instead of straddling it.:barf:

And Mr. I can subvert the Constitution whenever it strikes me Clinton.

Oh, and his CommiePinkoSocialist wife too. :mad:

Rant mode off.


New member
The entire Democratic " Welcome Pedro , here's your welfare check . Remember to Vote DEM so it keeps on coming " Party .
Abraham Lincoln

Franklin Roosevelt

Lyndon B. Johnson, and every member of Congress who voted for the Gulf of Tonkin resolution

Richard Nixon

OK, I'm editing... Had I read a little more closely, I would have seen you were asking for live scum, not daisy pushers...


All of the above, plus Joseph Leiberman and John McCain, for their repeated attempts to stifle First Amendment freedoms.

Bill Clinton, but in my view really only for his appointment of Hillary to the Health Care commission. Everything else he did, while reprehensible, was actually pretty tame.


New member
Mike, you're forgetting his Executive Orders. And U.S. troops in UN uniform. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg. That alone gives him a spot.

While we're at it:

The aforementioned sleaze.
The little twerp from Vermont - the stealth liberal. David Souter
Come to think of it, all of the inJustices except Thomas and Scalia!

Maxine Waters :barf:
Teddy, of course.
Trent Lott.

Every Senator that voted to acquit the Traitor in Chief. And don't forget our outgoing FBI head.

You really ought to have an historical section. For that remember Woodrow "League of Nations" Wilson and, of course, FDR. Nixon, too.


New member
Top 10? are you kidding? There are so many that I could'nt even start to pick out the 10 worst..... I could start out with 95% of Congress and the Senate.... Don't forget I'm from CA, where it is easier to list the ones who have not violated the constitution. And don't forget to put Barbara "the barbarian" Boxer on your list.


New member
1. Bill Clinton
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Janet Reno
4. Al Gore
5. Chuck Shumer
6. Dianne Feinstein
7. Barbara Boxer
8. Ted Kennedy
9. Shelia Jackson Lee
10. Maxine Waters

As stated previously, the reasons should be obvious to all on this board.


New member
Hey Mike, How come Abraham Lincoln?

The Civil War, Edward. Find me some Constitutional requirement that States remain in the Union. Then find me some authority for the Federal Government to wage war against its own people.

I can't think of a more egregious violation of the letter and spirit of the Constitution in the years before Lincoln. It was really the start of a long line of trampling on that document.

I say that believing Lincoln was a sincere man.
Capt. Hoek,

Unfortunatly executive orders are generally held as being Constitutional exercises of the Executive's power. Every President has issued controversial orders under the guise of Executive orders.

I think US troops have been in "UN uniform" (which I think is just the beret, isn't it?) under other Presidents. In many ways it's little different than US troops being under direct command of Allied officers. Not a great situation, but on the grand scheme of things....

Appointment of Supreme Court Justices is also within the purview of the President. He didn't jam her into the position in an unconstitutional way.


Abraham effectively suspended Constitutional protections during the Civil War, doing away with the habeus corpus to keep suspected Southern sympathsizers in jail indefinitely.

He also oversaw the greatest degradation of states powers through the abbreviated Federal Congress in history, at least until FDR came around.

I think that many people have a have a rather hard and fast rule about what constitutes anti-Constitutional behavior, but it's not a black and white thing at all, unfortunatly, and efforts to curtail firearms rights are certainly no different than steps taken every day that attempt to narrow other Constitutional rights.

Are those steps Constitutional or un-Constitutional? Well, that's actually a call made by the Supreme Court under the auspices of its own Marbury vs. Madison ruling, in which it essentially co-opted the rule as final arbiter of Constitutionality.

Take, for example, my belief that a convicted murderer/violent criminal should absolutely lose all future rights to own or possess firearms.

Some believe that is an un-Constitutional restriction on the Second Amendment, while I believe that no right is absolute under all circumstances.

Differences of opinion.


New member
A tip of the hat to Herr Walther, who has already selected my top two traitors:
> Jane Fonda
> Bill Clinton
Conversely to that, Captain, find me some place in the Constitution that says it is the right of the individual states to succede once they have entered the Union.

There's always been hot debate about whether the "All other rights" clause of the Bill of Rights actually covers seccession given later additions to the US Code. That has generally centered around the "rights can be excersized by an individual only, not by an amorphous body" argument.

I personally take the view that it was the right of the Southern states to attempt to succeed, but it was also the right of the Northern states to attempt to force the Southern states back into union.

One argument that actually has a lot of creedence with me is that the Northern states DIDN'T wage war on its own people. It waged war on another, self-declared nation, the Confederate States of America.

Whether or not the Northern states were waging war on its own people, and whether or not the Southern states still constituted part of the United States given that the Federal government never formally recognized the existence of the Confederacy, really became a moot point when the Confederates fired on Federal propery at Fort Sumpter.

As far as many issues of the


Member In Memoriam
1. Bill Clinton
2. Abe Lincoln
3. Bill Clinton
4. Hillary Clinton
5. Bill Clinton
6. FDR
7. Bill Clinton
8. Janet Reno
9. Bill Clinton
10. Jane Fonda

Ed Brunner

New member
As a veteran of Vietnam and a member of a MIA/POW family I have less than a good opinion of Hanoi Jane Fonda, but it is a stretch to say that she is high on the list of Enemies of the Constitution. She has no power to abuse the Constitution in the same manner as a President, an Attorney General, a Congressman, a judge or a law-enforcement officer.


New member
No list of traitors would be complete without Al "I never met a Communist I didn't want arm with the latest weapon technology for campaign cash" Gore.

I think we should move this thread to the front cover of every Newspaper in the country.