Need name of book/article about path to civil war.

Warm Bore

New member
Awhile back I caught the tail end of a discussion on the radio about civil war. It wasn't strictly about the American Civil War. Some author or historian had basically studied a variety of cultures world wide and came up with a list of events shared by the cultures (including the U.S.) which invariably caused EVERY (or nearly every) world-wide civil war. These were events generally caused by the different governments and which the citizenry eventually revolted. There were about 20 items on this list (maybe more) and the show implied that about 80% (maybe more) of these events have happened in recent U.S. history - since the 20's I believe. I didn't catch whether this was a book or simply and article but I got the impression it was a book. It sounded interesting but I forgot about it until I got caught up on a discussion about the subject a few days ago. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


Warm Bore


New member
I read a book that discussed this topic. It was called Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America and it can be found on here .

I rate this book a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. It was definitely thought provoking at points, but had such poor writing style that it was difficult to read.