Need more guns!


New member
Well, my third son came into the world last week (Jan 15th):D and I have decided to make sure each of my sons is well-equipped for the trials and tribulations of the next generation. I have decided to ensure that each son will recieve:

A semi-auto pistol
A revolver
A .22 rifle
A 12 guage shotgun
A bolt action rifle
A semi-auto rifle

I'll work out the caliber details later. I figure a man ought to give his children a head start in the world, and this should do.;)

Garand Illusion

New member
Buy 'em now and the BATF forms will be expired on them by the time they move out.

I have girls, and will not be teaching them to be hunters (I don't hunt) but my plan is a little less extravagant.

At an early age, possibly 10, each will get a convertible 22/20 gauge single shot rifle. This will get them started.

When they are big enough, a 12 gauge will follow, as well as a pistol of some kind (whichever they prefer) though these guns will stay under my control as long as they live at home. If they are interested enough and go to high power rifle matches with me, we'll figure out a way to swing a service type rifle.

I just want to make sure that when they move out, to whatever crappy neighborhood they start out in, they have what they need to protect themselves. The pistol will be sufficient for that.

Of course ... as responsible parents who love our children we have many battles to fight before then. The first will be to keep Hillary or Obama reigned in if one becomes president.


New member
Congrats on the new one! And hopefully you've got the means to quintuple that list, so at a bare minimum, all your grandkids eventually have that lineup at the bare minimum ;)


New member
I extend my congrats also. Hope wife and child are happy and healthy. I must say, you are an ambitious and thoughtful dad. Lucky children. Those first range trips are fun! I have two sons, (32 and 30 yr old ) and two grand children, (2 and 4)...the first shooting trips are fun.



New member
A semi-auto pistol; Glock 21, 45acp
A revolver; S&W .357, 4-5 inch
A .22 rifle; Marlin model 60
A 12 guage shotgun; Mossberg 500 or Winchester 870 w/extra barrels
A bolt action rifle; Rem 700 in '06 or 7mm mag
A semi-auto rifle; Springfield M1


New member
i didnt know that winchester made an 870........

i am also going to be buying guns for my future learning from my parents buying them their own stuff so i can keep mine!!!!!


New member
The list is mostly complete for the three boys, I need to pick up a few odds and ends to round it out. Basically, it is my collection that I will be handing down to them a piece at a time as they gain proficiency and independence. But I like things to be equal amongst my kids, and this way they each wll have a part of me when I go see the Big Guy.
So I need one more shotgun, one more semi-auto, two .22 rifles, two bolt-action rifles, and three revolvers.

Looks like a trip to the gun store might be in order:D

Wife can't complain. Just bought her a car.