Need less OAL .375 H&H


New member
Alright guys, I have ventured into reloading and just acquired a beautifully sporterized P17 that was rechambered to .375 H&H. I ran accross a box of Hornady Heavy Magnums loaded with 300gr Interbonds. Problem is, the magazine was never converted to magnum length and the 300 gr cartridges won't fit. I contacted the seller in Gunbroker and he said he only ever used 235gr loads with it. Now, I was planning on using this rifle for a future Buffalo hunt and I need a bullet that will get the job done and that will give me a shorter OAL. So, if any of you have any experience in this area please advise. I am wondering if a 260gr Accubond would work, or a 260gr Nosler Partition? But I don't know if they will still be too long.

P.S. OAL length of the 300gr Interbond cartridge is 3.6, the mag measures 3.5


New member
I got curious and measured my loads which are 270 gr. speer. They were 3.583. They were the only loaded shells I had. I load 300 gr. partitions and 300 gr. Sierras at the same length. I'm using a Colt Sauer. I haven't fooled around much with OAL in the 375 but I have in several other calibers. I would think if you pick out a shorter bullet, ie, round nose, without a cannelure, you shouldn't have any problem seating it at 3.50.

What powder are you using? The 270 gr. I load using IMR 4064 and it is not near being compressed.

The 300 gr. bullets are IMR-4350 and it is slightly compressed.


New member
2400, I do not want to lengthen the mag because that requires modifications to the action, and the stock is wonderfully bedded to the action and I don't want to have to redo it.

Win71, I haven't actually loaded anything for the .375 yet, still trying to pick out a bullet I can work with. I just got the rifle Monday. Thanx for the input.


New member
I am still between Asian Water Buffalo and American Bison, not Cape. That was my other question, will the lighter bullets (260 or 270gr) get the job done or, do I need to find another rifle?


New member
Don't mean to oversimplify the issue, but you can seat the 300 gr bullets to any depth you want. Just seat the bullet you choose a little deeper.


New member
Thanx for the input scorch. I am new to reloading and had not thought of that. Seating them deeper won't cause too much in the ways of higher pressure will it?


New member
Seating them deeper won't cause too much in the ways of higher pressure will it?

Depends on the load. Have you looked at loading info for the bullets you mentioned? What brand of bullets are you planning on using?

Water Buffalo will try to kill you as quick as Cape Buffalo will.


New member
Well, for the Buff loads I was looking at the Barnes Triple Shocks in 270 or 300 grain weights. The base load for the 300gr is 69gr of IMR4350 which I would load down a little to start with. The 270gr load is 69.1gr of 4350. These are just some base loads that came with my dies. Like I said, I am new to reloading, so if there is a better powder for my intentions feel free to suggest it. I really appreciate the help guys.

And I know the Water Buffaloes are dangerous, that's why I wanted to check and make sure the lighter bullets will do the job. :)