Need Lawyer in Danville, IL


New member
Just found out from my wife that my father in law has been arrested in IL and being held in county lockup in Danville, IL. Don't have many details but I suspect it involves him carrying his revolver into IL.

Need a good 2nd Amendment lawyer or any gun friendly lawyer that might be able to handle the case.

Any leads, please email ASAP.



New member

Well, I don't have all the details right now, but my father in law had the charges dismissed !!!!!!

Seems the officer involved is young and new, and went off the deep end (balistic was used to describe his reaction) when he learned of the gun.

The lawyer, and the county sheriff both said, that the officer could have just told my FIL to get back over the state line, and not arrested him.

six 4 sure

New member
Wow, being a former hostage of the People's Rebublic of Illinois, I'm surprised. Must have lucked out and run into a sheriff with some sense.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Your FIL was very unlucky to get arrested but very lucky to have the charges dismissed. If it ever comes up again, I'd contact the Champaign County Rifle Association. They do a lot in that area and have contacts with attorneys.