Need info. What is so great about the HK P7?

El Rojo

New member
I had a coworker ask me if I had any pictures of an HK p7. I guess she is reading a book and one was in it so I said I could probably find a picture. Of course I found one on TFL's link to the firearms library.

Part so I can tell her and part so I can know for myself, what is so great about these P7's? I know the squeeze cocker has something to do with it, but it is a $1000 handgun for Heaven's sake!!!

I know there has to be a reason they are so expensive and so many people like them the way they do. Could some of you educate me on the finer points of the HK P7? If you don't think there are any fine points and HK just did a great marketing job, you can tell me about that too. :p

Thanks for all of your help.


New member
I posted this same question about a year or so ago. Now I have three P7M8's. They just shoot to point of aim, are accurate and a very safe system with the squeeze cocker. I tested one at a local range before I bought and couldn't believe how natural it was to hit what I was aiming at. Plus, they are finely crafted piece of German engineering with an excellent single action trigger, right out of the box.


New member
They're also an extremely "neat" design; the P7 works as a "gas-retarded blowback", meaning it fits into a smaller package than you would normally expect. It has a fixed barrel, meaning no link or bushing variables to subtract from accuracy. It feels good in the hand (in my hand, at least.) When you fire a P7, part of the gas that pushes the bullet is tapped off into a small cylinder under the barrel; a piston attached to the front of the slide also rides in that cylinder. So, you have the same gas pressure both trying to blow the breech open, AND keep it closed at the same time.


New member
They're great little guns. I've never been sure about the $1000-$1300 price tags on them, but one of my shooting buddies has one and lets me shoot it regularly. Pretty accurate.


New member
P7s are neat, unconventional guns that work well under normal civilian conditions and are easy to shoot well. If you need a gun that is insensitve to filth or harsh environmental conditions it probably isn't what you want.

It isn't the "ultimate 9mm," though...whatever that means. That goes to the SIG P210. I've shot both, and while the P7 is groovy, it really isn't a contest IMHO unless concealability is an issue. Of course, a SIG P210 is even MORE expensive than a P7. :eek:

Gary H

New member
Some like 'em and some don't. I've got three M8, M10 & M13. I guess that you could say that I like them. Forget the discussion. Shoot them and you will know which camp you are in. Regarding the price. These guns hold their value, so you don't loose your shirt should you wish to sell them. If you keep them, you have decided that they are worth the price. After all, isn't that the real test of value.


New member
You really don't get a sense of how accurate and wonderfully built the P7's are until you actually shoot one. It is one of the most accurate pistols I have ever shot (the Sig P226 in .357 coming second)

Personally, I'm used to pistols w/o the squeeze cocking mechanism and thats the only reason I never got one.


New member
OK, I'll be the bad guy and tell the bad news.

Very accurate and (generally)reliable, slick trigger, light recoil, ambi controls are great for leftys, flat for CCW.


1)Tempermental with less than perfect reloads or factory ammo(and no lead bullets).

2) The gas system clogs if shooting dirty ammo and then the malfunctions start.

3) The frame area above the trigger gets very hot with continued shooting, and can get hot enough for you to need to stop and let it cool down.

4)Unique system of controls requires practice to become proficient and fast. It is often said that if you have a squeeze cocker, make it your only gun. I don't necessarily believe it to this extreme but the different system does require more attention.

5)Overpriced (like everything else that says HK on it)

6)If it needs repair or parts, cost is high and wait is usually long if sent back to HK.

In spite of all of these BAD features, I do like them and will probably get one myself someday. A friend has a P7M13 he had NP3 finished. I know it works with drool on it...............