Need info on VPC


New member
I'm looking for photos of Violence Policy Center's leadership, and some photos of Sarah Brady and whoever is heading that oganization.

I'll admit that my "search" skills are not even a shadow of what some of you all have.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

These photos would potentially be used in a rebuttle video to the one made by HCI concerning the NRA hijacking America...

Seen here.

Also, if YOU would like to appear in it (as I will need various other faces), you can forward a photo of yourself to me at

All names will be withheld, and promptly forgotten at completion of the movie.



New member
VPC and HCI are two seperate organizations (at least on paper)
Josh Sugarman is the head of VPC, which is a 501(c) organization. HCI is not.
I have no pictures or links of pictures showing Sugarman. I believe vampires and other blood suckers don't photograph well.


New member

name those tyrants


New member
Don'd know all of them...

From top left to bottom right:

Don't know, Sarah Brady, Don't know

Diane Fienswine, Rosie O'Donell, Don't know

Don't know, Jim Brady, Chuck Schumer


Can anyone fill in the unknowns?



I believe it was CPHV and HCI that combined to create the Brady Campaign/Center to Prevent Gun Violence, not VPC. I believe they are still an entity unto themselves.
dz - Million Mom March and HCI merged to create the Brady Center.

VPC is a separate organization entirely and is like the GOA of the anti-gun groups. VPC opposes registration and smart guns because they don't want guns period. Josh Sugarman and Tom Diaz are the main honchos at VPC.

Tom Diaz is supposedly a former Marine as well.

Whatever the deal at VPC, that is the worst propaganda factory of lies you are likely to find on the anti side. The worst part is you can tell they know quite a bit about firearms by what they choose to omit from their "fact" sheets.

Las Vegan Cajun

New member
Andrew McKelvey

Isn't that Andrew McKelvey at center-right?
Yes, it most certainly is Andrew McKelvey. His picture is also featured on the front cover of the May 2001 issue of America's 1st Freedom.

I have made several photocopies of his picture to use as target practice.:mad:


New member
Isn't Schumer just the freakiest looking guy you've ever seen or what. Man...the guy just gives me the creeps.

- Gabe


Rosie just fits in so well in the middle. Like the rest of them are keeping her sides from expanding.

Mr. James

New member
:mad: :barf: :mad:

Put 'em all on a bullet-train to Gehenna. "He said 'bullet' -hehe"

GRD, you got that right - he looks like someone who hangs around public restrooms looking for unaccompanied boys. Feinswine would look right at home in feldgrau. Dees-Thomases and her "grassroots" efforts? Grrrrrr.