Need Help with Argentine Hi-Power Mags


New member
I received my 15 round Argentine mags for my Browning Hi-Power from CDNN today. Looks like good hi-cap mags for $18.

One problem I'm having is that I can seem to be able to remove the floor plate on these mags. Is there a secret to doing it?



New member
It's the extension type like their 17 round mag. Actually, I think their 15 and 17 round mags are same... except 17 round mags have larger/longer plastic extension.


New member
have you shot the mags are they good quality ? im needing some for my feg to carry in it and saw those and i also am interested in the 17 rounders :D


New member

No, I just received tham this afternoon so I have not had the time to try them yet. They look okay and you can tell they are better mat6erial than USA, Promag, Triple K, etc. Each mag comes with a steel loader that helps. I never heard anything bad about them except that they are hard to load to full capacity until springs get compressed few times... this I can confirm. I was thinking about those 17 round mags too but decided they extended too far below the grip for good concealed carry. If these 15 rounders work well I'll get some 17 rounders too.

Check here to learn about Hi-Power mags
Taco, the baseplate of the KRD mags just slides right off; but not easily. You can try holding the mag against a flat surface and pushing down on it at an angle to get the baseplate sliding forward a bit; but I didn't have much luck with that.

What worked for me was just applying pressure to the back of the baseplate with both thumbs to 'walk' the baseplate off. I'd push on one side until I saw a tiny bit of movement and then push on the other side until they were even. I eventually got the baseplate off with some work. After the first time, it goes on andoff much easier.


New member
Thanks. I'll try that tonight when I get home. Last night I tried to push the floor plate but it didn't move at all. I'll try harder tonight.


New member
I've got three of the 17 rounders, but I don't have anything to try them out in. :confused: It's a long story. :(



New member
Thanks for the URL. I ordered 4 15 rounders myself. I have 6 of the drop free 10 round factory mags. I will now need more than 1 box of Win white box to load!


New member
I now have two bloody thumbs (don't ask) but I finally got all those floor plate off. I'll degrease and clean these mags... tomorrow.


New member
I'm a little concerned about the bloody thumbs. what caused the damage? I'm going to be cleaning mine up in a few days. What to look out for?



New member
I held the mag upside down and pushed REAL HARD hard with thumbs on each corner of the floor plate and it gave way. Corners of the mag body cut into both thumbs :mad: I put on a pair of leather gloves to remove the floor plate on rest of the mags.

I used carb cleaner and a old rag to clean outside and inside of each mag body. I finished with some acetone. The condition of the mags were very good but the finish was ugly so I re-fished each mag body with molydium-disulfide (PermaSlik) which is same stuff they finish GI AR-15/M-16 mags with. This is not very durable finish but it gives a nice matt gray finish which looks very nice. Sides of each followers were polished with a dremil tool.

They look real nice now :D


New member
I put mine in the vice with thin wood strips on each side. Used a punch and hammer and tap tap tapped mine off. Worked better after I realized that the spring would explode if I removed the entire base this way. I used a fine file to touch up the edges of the follower. Mine are all loaded with 15 compressing the springs. They look real good. What's wrong with dingy green/grey? I was very happy with CDNN. Three day delivery to Oregon.