NEED HELP! Thought I was smarter than I really am...


New member
Thought I was smart enough to take the side off my revolver (SW Model 637), and... well... Apparently I'm not.

Of course, I had a small pin pop out... Using this diagram, I've identified it as a "hammer block", #034


In my searching, I've found this picture as well, and it doesn't have the hammer block at all:


I can see where the small loop on the bottom of the block is supposed to attach, but where is the top of it supposed to lay into?
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New member

Flip the sideplate over and you should see a slot cut into it where the hammer block rides. This will provide a clue.

At rest, the top of the hammer block resides in the space below the firing pin. The bottom of the hammer block rides on a pin on the rebound slide. It simply "free floats" there. When replacing the side plate, sliding the sideplate slot up the hammer block and then fitting the sideplate into the frame keeps things in place.

The hammer block prevents the hammer from being pushed forward when the trigger is not held to the rear. When cocking the gun, the block lowers so the hammer can fully impact the primer.


New member
That's a very good description by BillCA.
Here's a photo I took of my Model 60 when I had it open for cleaning:


Oops! I see Unbreakable posted a great photo of it as I was typing.


New member
Wasn't sure if it was supposed to float, but your guys' pics confirm. I've got her back together, and have noticed how that block drops down when cocking the hammer.... THANKS FOR THE HELP!!! :D