Need help removing a trigger lock


New member
I just picked up my new 870 and there's a red trigger lock on the gun. There aren't any instructions on how to remove it and no tools to do so with. I'm not sure how to take it off. I'd love some help. Thanks


New member
Yeah, the store probably had trigger locks installed on all of their display or inventory guns and forgot to take yours off. Call them, make a trip back down there and problem solved.


New member
Yeah I just called them. They have the key. They can mail me one but that would take forever. Now I have to drive back. Good thing I drove more than an hour for the deal. Now it's another hour there and back. Not happy at all. The guy checked the gun in the box before he released it to me. I've never had those locks on any other gun I've bought at other stores so I didn't know it was on there. Why isn't customer service what it used to be?


New member
Just a quick follow up. I drove back the sixty miles to the store and apparently it's such a problem they have the keys to unlock them right at the customer service desk in the front. Next time I'll check to make sure myself since others seem inept to do so.


Staff In Memoriam
I run the firearm thru a systems check before taking sole possession so their in house security lock would have to come off before I put the gun back in the shipping box/es...
That saves both this hassle and that of a defective weapon from the factory...