Need help in Houston

Stephen Ewing

New member
Last night, Wednesday, August ninth, KRIV Fox 26 ran a little story on the nightly news about how CHL holders are committing all sorts of felonies including rape and murder, to the tune of 3300 arrests. They had some CPV moron on the air making this assault on the Second. It looked like the "Washington D.C." press conference had nearly a dozen people attending.

Of course, the TX DPS website has the demographics, including both arrests and convictions, which are two wildly different numbers. It also goes without saying that CHL holders are committing felonies at a distinctly slower rate than the general population, even after we account for the decrease in crime rate that magically coincided with the introduction of the CHL in Texas.

I'd like to call this to KRIV's attention, and also to their advertisers attention if I don't see a correction. Anybody nearby want to help me yell at them?



New member
I'd love to but they know I'm out of their viewing range. but I will e-mail to a bunch of friends in Houston.

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club