Need help for a handgun /child situation


New member
Ok folks this is where your intellegence comes into play , I need information other than eddie eagle for firearms and children , my friend has a 11 year old son and is thinking on getting a handgun for home protection , we (her and I ) want to include this young adult in our shooting activitys but want to do it safely , He seems interested in doing so also , I need websites for the info , also looking for firearms laws link for Indiana , also looking for a NRA instructor for the lad in northwest Indiana and a public range around the Crown Point area. I appreciate it Thanks :)
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New member
I can't help too much, but can tell you what I went through as a child.

My Dad first started me on his old 1911. The first thing he made me do was to learn how to take it down, clean and reassemble it. When he'd go to shoot, he always included me in the cleaning period afterwards, It was kinda a special Dad & Son time when we'd clean (I swear to this day half of them had never been fired) the guns and just talk about stuff. I had to earn my right to go shoot, but it was never presented as a learning experience, just time with Dad.

By the time he took me to the range I was pretty comfortable with the 1911, even though I had never shot it. I also had all the basics down, the 4 rule, range safety rules, handling safety. The first thing we did was just watch some of the other shooter (this was a military range right after WWII so most of the shooters were older soldiers). I have to tell you, I saw just about every mistake a person could make that day and I remember them even today.


New member
Check around with your local gun clubs. The one I belong to has a youth program that is free to any child that wants to participate.

Norman Bates

New member
I'm very interersted in what develops from this post. I have a 5yr. old son. I'm probably too much into my guns and tried to avoid as much as possible to have my son play with fake guns. But someone had to give him one and he then got absorved by them.

He does perfectly know my guns from his and will never touch mine but just point at them and say"this is daddy's". I have to say he's very serious and trustworthy. I'm waiting another year or two before introducing him to the sport unless the situation here (Argentina) becomes really violent.

He's a serious FPS player. He loves Counter Strike, Wolfenstein and Day of Defeat and spends most of the afternoon glued to the PC. He's into tactical reloads and stuff.

I'd love to have a more structured and responsible handgun education to give him.

I'm listening,



New member
I would try a local gun club here in Illinois ,but I spend my time with them at there house , I haven't been back to my old town in 15 years so I don't know of any places to go , I can home educate on the rules, but I have a hard time trying to explain how to aim and ect .also I am mainly looking for articles or things you people have tried and used to help explain the dangers of a real firearm and to explain its not a toy , I ussusally do the watermelon demonstration for new shooters at the range I belong to, but it is a private affair and he is not my child . so I cannot get him in there . all opinoin/thoughts are appreciated . as I see I am not the only one that needs this info . Thanks all