Need help cleaning my shotgun...


New member
Hi all. I started cleaning my Mossberg 88 tonight, when I realized; I don't really know how to clean a shotgun!

The insides, I mean. I know how to take off the barrel and clean that, but how 'bout the inside; around the bolt and all that???

Lubricating, all that...


Jorah Lavin

New member
I need hints, too

I've got a commie chinese Ithaca clone (looks just like the one on p.54 of the January 2003 SWAT issue).

Mostly, the mechanicals don't get too dirty, but when they do, I've been taking these steps:

  • Soak with Rem Oil
  • Take outside, scrub everything I can reach with Ed's Red using a tooth brush
  • When the slop starts looking less than black, spray mechanicals with brake cleaner to flush it out
  • a few dabs of gun grease where things slide against each other
  • a VERY light spray (really, a light mist) of Rem Oil, then wipe off any excess;
  • hope for the best

If there is something more I could be doing, I'd love to know. I'd take the thing apart, but I'm not sure if I could get it back together.



New member
Use the search feature, we have hashed this out several times in excruciating detail. Search on my username or Dave Mc AND cleaning.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Thanks, H, hope you'll be over on the new one.

Did you guys get manuals with your shotugns? If not, most makers will send you one gratis.

Jorah Lavin

New member
Here is a good one from the archives

Dave, here are the instructions on cleaning that came with my gun:

After fired, wipe out the powder residue from the bore, apply antirust oil inside. The bore and all metal parts must be keep clean in order to prevent the gun from rust.

As you can see, the TFL archives are a lot better than that! :)

I noticed on the other threads, people talking about plastic buildup. I clean after every range session, so maybe that is a factor, but I've never noticed any plastic at all...


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Some loads and wads collect more in some barrels.
A mirror polish helps.

If this becomes a problem, use a wooden 3/8" dowel split at one end and chucked into a variable speed drill at the other. Install some 4/0 steel wool ande see what a power tool can do(G)..

And to beat a drum again, use of SLIP 2000 over time eases removal of plastic buildup. Good lube and protectorant also.
