Need advice on a second handgun


New member
I'm turning 21 in a few weeks and I'm dead set on my first handgun to be bought, but with the price of .45ACP right now I need a .22 or something cheap to shoot [Bulgy Makarov,TTC, MK.III.] Something I can actually afford to shoot.

I'd love a Ruger MK.III or a .22 revolver.But 9mm makarov is doable, I'd love a smaller gun that's cheap. I absolutely love the tokarev type pistols with the ammo being so cheap, but .22 is still cheaper.

I'm open to suggestions.


New member

What are you looking for..
I see .22 and cheap...
do you want another .22, or something stronger...
I would suggest a ruger lr 10/22 if you want a .22 and have no rifle.

that way you have a pistol and rifle.. and can play/work with both.

On that note i would even say shotgun.. Only because i have
walther p22, pt140, ar-10, and ruger lr10/22 and shot my first shotgun not to long ago...

And that by far is one of my fav's to shoot... it is lound, highly accurate :p, and plain fun...


New member
A .22 is always a good addition for exactly the reason you stated, it's much more economical and gives you more practice time. I'd recommend a conversion kit, if there is one for the type of pistol you are planning to get. That way you retain the "feel" of the gun you want to shoot when you are shooting larger calibers. Otherwise, look for a pistol that resembles your large caliber as closely as possible. Consider grip angle, action and weight.


New member
I just got a sweet cz52 for 140$. Ammo is dirt cheap. Also cz82's are good. For 22, I LOVE my ruger mkII they are awesome and can be found cheap. Have fun lookin


New member
It's hard to go wrong with a Ruger Mark II. Spend a little time to learn how to disassemble/assemble, and you'll have a handgun that you can get a lot of practice with, is cheap to shoot, will last a really long time.


New member
Ruger MKII is fairly inexpensive and a great gun, I love mine.

For the Makarov I would get a CZ82- just bought one from AIM online and delivered to my FFL it was $244. In great condition with 2 mags and a usable hip holster its a real shooter. My FFL is a fellow member of my club so he didn't charge me for his usual transfer would have to add that on top of the $244. That would put the price on par with a decent MKII if I remember right.



New member
You could also consider a Beretta Neos. Funny looking but well made, accurate, and inexpensive both for purchase and for feeding. Good practice of basic pistol craft for $.04 to $.05 a round.



You're buying two guns, from the sound of your original post. Something in .45acp, and then a smaller caliber for practice.

Have you considered a .22 conversion kit for the .45 you have selected? Not all .45's have .22 conversion kits, but some do.


New member
Okay yeah a conversion kit for my soon-to-be Glock 21SF sounds like a good idea, but I'd like to have a second one just for convience sake.

Maybe the Glock, a Glock conversion kit and a Bulgarian Makarov just because? I think I'll go with that.


New member
Perhaps you could clarify for us?
You said that 'you knew exactly what the first handgun was going to be ... But the price of .45acp....wanted a second gun to shoot cheaply'

Well, what was the FIRST gun GOING TO BE? All you told us was that it was chambered in 45acp! :mad:

It could greatly effect the suggestions you get from people. If it's a 1911 or Glock, then buy a .22 conversion kit. If you want to practice cheaply but still use the same gun. Although, you still need to practice with your main gun!

If you don't care about the 'same gun' stuff, then buy a nice Ruger MK. I like the 22/45 base model. A makarov is cheap but the ammo is not even
close to .22lr prices. Also, it's not like you can walk into Wally World or Dick's and just grab a box to go plinking the next day.

You've got to order it online, gun shows or regular guns shops. Which is fine but not nearly as easy as a box of rimfire.

I wouldn't worry about makarovs "running out" in the near future. People like them because they are decent cheap guns the but when the cheap surplus ammo is gone (and it will be a long time) nobody will
care about them too much.


New member
The OP's point is that he/she doesn't want to go the .45 route due to the cost of ammo. Nuff said!

He's now considering a 9mm or .22, so we can replace the :mad: with a :). Of those suggested, the Ruger MKIII probably makes the most sense due to the quality of the handgun and the low ammo cost.


New member
Are you sure? He said "for a second gun." That would imply "in addition
to the 45." I think? Maybe? Best Guess? (I think we can all agree, the original question was phrased in a less the ideal manner.)

Anyway, just a .22 for plinking and 9mm (9x19) for defense if 45 is too pricey for regular price.


Are you going to carry it?

If you are going to carry the minimum defense caliber is 9mm and one of the thinner most concealable pistol not even my wife knows when I carry it since i even tuck my shirt in is the Keltec PF9, also very affordable, here is mine and with the night sights I applied myself with Glow-On from here
