Need Advice from the Experts


New member
I'm looking to upgrade my competition/HD gun. I currently have an XD40 Service, but I have been intrigued by the HK P2000 and the Sig P226. In the near future I will likely choose one or the other.
My gun shops have only the P226 to try in their range rentals, so I cannot do a full "shot before you shop" testing.
So I turn to those who opinions I have come to value, and ask,

Which and Why?

Money is not an issue, and I would like to stay with the two named. Glocks do not work with my hands, although the one I shot was very accurate.

Thank you in advance.


SIG has better trigger.

HK is lighter.

SIG may be more accurate due to longer barrel.

Both are reliable.

I didn't help I know it. :D


New member

Sig is only way to go But you will hear it from many ppl buy which fits you best of the 2 i really like the sigs but only have shot a rental hk dont own one.


New member
I'm looking to upgrade my competition/HD gun. I currently have an XD40 Service, but I have been intrigued by the HK P2000 and the Sig P226. In the near future I will likely choose one or the other.

I'd go for the Sig, but what's wrong with the XD?


New member
The XD is a good gun, and the one I have is extremely reliable and accurate, but it doesn't fit my hand as good as I want it to. It's good, but the HK's and SIG's I have handled feel just a little bit better.


New member
How a gun "feels" in the hand is very different from how a gun will "perform" in your hands. One must actually shoot the gun to determine if its right for them. How comfortable a handgun feels in the hand is not a good way to determine how it will actually permform for you. You have to actually try it out. There's no other way. (Of course the grip and trigger reach must "fit" your hand. And that's the most important thing.)

The XD has a consistent trigger pull similar to a Glock or S&W M&P. Most SIG Sauers and the P2000 have DA/SA triggers. Two different trigger modes and a DA to SA transition. Its very important to consider this. If you haven't shot a DA/SA auto go try one or a few. For most shooters its a steeper learning curve learning two different trigger pulls including the transition between DA and SA compared to one trigger with a XD or Glock. That is not to say one can't be extremely proficient with a DA/SA auto. It just takes a bit more work. There are SIG and HK pistols with consistent triggers like the the DAK and LEM respectively. They feel heavier and different from a XD trigger though.


New member
I am guessing that you are looking at both in .40 because you have the XD40? Both you mentioned come in 9mm, .357 Sig, or .40 S&W as you are probably aware.

If you are looking for a 9mm check out the HK P30 or else go with the
Sig P226, it's a toss up in my opinion. The P226 would be my choice with the other two calibers. I would not recomend a 9mm for an HD handgun but it's better than a baseball bat. I prefer a .40 for that purpose myself.

Honestly I don't think that you can go wrong with either.


HK45 w/ Insight M6X Tactical Illuminator/Laser
Sig Pro 2022 .40 w/ Insight XTI Procyon Tac Illuminator & CT Laser Grip

"One Shot One Kill"


New member
IIRC, the Sig 226 is a full size gun and the P2000 is a bit more compact.

I think a HK USP would be a more fair comparison.

I prefer HK. Light recoil, accurate, and great trigger, + light weight. The Sig has everything but the light weight.

Edit: One thing I hadn't thought to ask. What don't you like about the SA? Maybe you're better off working on the SA & keeping it? If it is just that SAs are uglier than HKs and Sigs, I can't help you there. I always thought the XDs were hideous looking.


New member
There is NOTHING wrong with a 9mm. I'd bet you a dollar to a doughnut you would not choose to stand in front of one... :barf:

Other than that choose what fits you and feels best to you.


New member
I'm reloading 40S&W right now, and am not looking to start reloading for another caliber. I like what I have seen regarding the SIG, but I also like what I have seen regarding the HK. I have handled both, and they both fit my hand a little better than the XD. I cannot comfortably hold a full size USP, which rules them out. Likewise, a single stack SIG does not work for me either. I have large palms and long fingers.

The good news is I found a gunshop that has both in the rental area, so I will shoot both and make my decision thusly.

When I finally decide, I will be back with a range report.