Need a better powder measure for Horn Pro-Jector...


New member
Ok, after having loaded 20k + rounds on my old Hornady Projector I've come to the conclusion that I need a better powder measure. In my last batch of loads with .45acp & Clays, I had around 6 loads that came out very light. I mean, real pooof loads that made me stop, unload and check the barrel.

The new powder measure must throw Clays flake powder effectively. I have 8# of the stuff in the cabinet and really like the powder. Still, I gotta be able to measure it effectively off the press.

My current powder measure is the Hornady "Lock & Load" type, only in the earlier Pro-Jector design that doesn't have the "Lock & Load" quick change mechanism.

So, here are the requirements:
1. MUST work off of a Hornady Press (ie: standard threads)
2. Must be progressive press compatible.
3. MUST throw Clays without error!!!!

Cost? I don't really care. $200 max.

Any suggestions?

PS: I'm not opposed to any "stupid ideas" to fix this problem either. One of the guys at the range kinda joked about strapping a vibrator (!) to the side of the powder measure to help flow the powder. You know, it's not a bad idea!


New member
Robert, do you have a baffle in that measure? If not get one and try it.

The measure you have is a decent measure.

If you want a new measure for Clays I would recommend a Redding 3BR. Call Redding and tell them what you want to do, they can tell you what parts you need to buy to make it work. Best prices I have seen recently on Redding measures have been at Sportsmans Warehouse.......
This is funny because Clays is really more like a squashed sphere than a flake and isn't all packed with graphite (or maybe that's the issue?). I second the baffle idea. I've always cut them out of aluminum roof flashing and added a second one to my measures perpedicular to their first, then kept the powder topped up. You obviously have enough to do that. If you have a baffle now, raise it a bit to increase its head pressure.

A couple of other possibilities: Wipe out the inside of the hopper with one of those clothes dryer anti-static cloths. Make sure you aren't getting a static bridge of some sort? I don't own your press, but if I recall correctly from looking at the store you should be able to run a ground wire to the meaure if necessary. Make sure the drum really gets all the way down each stroke and isn't filling through a half-open hole. Take a bore light and examine the drum and hopper for any foreign object. Make sure no moisture is present; if you leave your powder in the hopper between uses and you are in any kind of basement humiditiy, that can cause powder clumping.

That's about it. I don't advise the vibrator. It will pack the powder much more densely and you may find the drum hangs up trying to rotate. At the very least you'd have to reset the volume to prevent oversize charges. If you get desparate, however, any small electric motor with any excentric weight on its shaft will do the job. I just wouldn't run it for more than a very short burst each time, and it better be the same length burst each time. A timer circuit would be in order.

I know a guy who keeps a rawhide mallet on his loading bench and smacks the bench with it once each time the measure is receiving anything other than a ball powder. That may not appeal to you as a long-term solution, but it would let you test how consistent the thing throws with help.



New member
Robert, do you have a baffle in that measure? If not get one and try it.

Nope, no baffle in the measure. But I also haven't seen one made specifically for the Hornady measure. How would I go about making one? Any design comments? Thankfully I am blessed with decent mechanical skills and have access to plenty of thin plastic milk jugs to cut up.

Good points on the vibrator idea. I've also thought about the hammer idea too (actually, kicking the table leg...) I've experimented in "packing powder" and it's not a good solution over the long haul.

So, let's pursue the idea of the baffle first. How do I make one?

A couple of other possibilities: Wipe out the inside of the hopper with one of those clothes dryer anti-static cloths. Make sure you aren't getting a static bridge of some sort? I don't own your press, but if I recall correctly from looking at the store you should be able to run a ground wire to the meaure if necessary. Make sure the drum really gets all the way down each stroke and isn't filling through a half-open hole. Take a bore light and examine the drum and hopper for any foreign object. Make sure no moisture is present; if you leave your powder in the hopper between uses and you are in any kind of basement humiditiy, that can cause powder clumping.

Excellent ideas. I do wipe out the hopper after each loading session but I haven't tried the anti-static cloth idea. I don't think that will solve the problem's not that much static.

Bore light down the top of the tube to make sure the drum is fully rotated - excellent point. I'll test that tommorow when I get home (damn travelling job keeps me from reloading too much!).

After I stained a powder measure nearly black by leaving powder in it for too long, I empty the measure after each loading session. That, and it just makes more sense to do so from a safety perspective. It would be too easy for me to mix up what "was in" the measure with some new powder and screw everything up! Better safe than sorry...