Need 300-500 yard range.....


New member
As the title says, I'm looking to find a longer range to practice shooting at to get a solid baseline of where my rifles and loads are.
I'm in the Kansas City Missouri area, but will be willing to travel a few hours to shoot.

If you can offer solutions than please reply here.
Thanks in advance..


Middle of Nowhere in Sullivan county (MO)has ranges up to 600(?). I haven't shot there since I have my own place to shoot. I've heard they run long distance matches through the summer, also. I saw some folks at the sports show last weekend wearing T-shirts advertising "The Vapor Trail" shooting range at Spickard MO. To me, a "vapor trail" would indicate long range.


New member
Go to and look up ranges.

29 miles from Independence MO there is the Mill Creek Rifle Club in DeSoto KS, it has a range out to 300 yards for bench rest and 500 yards high power. Price of the range may be a factor, $405 for the first year and $90 a year after that until 65 for member ship. However it is within driving distance and gets you the ranges you wanted. You will have to jump through some hoops as well to get on the range, as you need two letters of reference and one must come from a member. You'll have to attend a club meeting and introduce yourself, and be voted in as well.


New member
Taylor, Id damn near sing show tunes to get a decent chance to shoot my rifles longrange....I will call and check it out thanx!

Thanks Mobuck, I will che k into that one as well.


New member
I cant imagine having to drive hours to shoot. I guess I am blessed to have a 600 yd range 10 minutes from my house.


New member
Mobuck I contacted the fella that runs the Vapor Trail in Spickard Mo. and he invited me out there to take a look. After this winter has left for good, I'll slip over there ans see if its what I'm looking for....
Thanks fellas


New member
Inviting if you want to make the drive! But seriously, sorry. I guess that did sound gloaty. I didnt intend it to be. I was just realizing one benefit of living in the middle of nowhere.

Its not all daisies and sunshine though. Since I live in california, a close gun range is one of the very few gun ownership perks I have.