Neck sizing reloads


New member
I am interested in neck sizing my magnum rifle brass. Would like to know how much one should back off the die from manufactures recommendations to accomplish neck sizing. I've read where it is recommended to put a nickle between the die and the shell holder in one instance. I would like to know the ways neck sizing is set up on the press for once fired brass.:)

Trapper L

New member
You don't have to buy neck sizing dies. I have a 7/8" thrust washer that I use to put under the FL die. It works great. I've also taken a primer carton like a CCI or Winchester, cut a hole big enough for the die to fit thru and used it like a washer. All you are trying to do is back the die off enough to not push the shoulder back. A dime under the lock ring on both sides would work, anything to reliably set the die back. It's not near the rocket science most try to make of it.


New member
Back off the die a couple of turns. Coat the neck with a Magic Marker or machinest's fluid. Run a fired piece of brass in and back out. You will see that the neck is resized only partially down toward the shoulder. Crank the die down a quarter turn and run it again. Continue until you size the neck just to the shoulder. Now, you can figure out whether your die and your press and your cartridge needs a nickle, a dime, a matchbook cover, or a bottle jack under the die when you adjust that station.
