(NE & KS) CCW Update


New member

Nebraska's LB496, the shall-issue carry law, has been indefinitely postponed for the session. Strange, I would have thought that Nebraska, of all places, would support concealed carry. What's the deal here?

Kansas has no CCW bill. Bill Graves kept vetoing it, so I guess the Legislature gave up on it and is waiting for a new Governor. Current positions of the candidates is unknown.

Anyone want to shed some light on this?

The Plainsman

New member

I'm not specifically aware of any planned effort for CCW in the 2003 session of the Kansas Legislature, but I'm also very confident that one or more RKBA type organizations will lobby to get it introduced. There are plenty of legislators who will sponsor such a bill and, as already demonstrated, there have been sufficient numbers in both chambers to pass it.

I share your bewilderment that these two states don't already have CCW. There are at least two factors that probably have some bearing on it in Kansas. First of all, there are large numbers of left-leaning "moderate" Republicans in Johnson County (KC area) and lots of Democrats in Wyandotte (KC area) and Sedgwick County (Wichita), the three most populous counties in the state, most of whom are kissin' cousins to the folks in New York City and L.A. They firmly believe that "guns are evil". They (and their legislators) can out-vote a LARGE segment of the more gun-oriented folks who live in the less populated counties around the state.

The second factor is that many folks in Kansas, particularly in the more rural areas, already carry and couldn't care less about whether "those politicians in Topeka" pass a CCW law or not. So they tend to not get too excited about passage of CCW.

Nebraska - who knows? I have friends and relatives in Nebraska. They are ALL hunters. But I can't get ANY of them to get excited about CCW. Just like in Kansas, many of them already carry. They're just very discrete about it. Most of them don't even belong to the NRA, let alone groups like JPFO and GOA.

So.... I reckon ya just pay yer money and take yer pick - huh? :rolleyes:

Will Beararms

New member
I lived in Kansas and there are many great people there. Unfortunately those the power blocks as previously mentioned are a bunch of no death penalty, no guns squishes. The term Republican has a different meaning in Kansas than in other parts of the country.


New member
The term Republican has a different meaning in Kansas than in other parts of the country.

You can say that again.

I've lived in Wichita all my life (since Aug of '69) and have wittnessed the mismanagement of this city (including the elimination of open carry) under current so-called Republican Bob Knight (who is running for Governor too).

Kansas Republicans are for the most part RINOs ... with the exception of one of our Senators (Brownback) and the congressman from my district (Tiahrt). Our other Senator (Roberts) isn't too bad, but I haven't seen him make the stands for conservativism that Brownback has made.

But for some reason the state level Republicans are left leaning jellyfish.

As for our next Governor, I'm glad Carla Stoval dropped out of the race (she was a Kassabaum wannabe) but I'm still not sure who I want to support.

By most accounts the only one who's close to being a conservative is Tim Shallenburger . I think I'm going to put together a letter to each of them asking about their position on several gun related issues.

Will Beararms

New member
I lived in Wichita also! Amarillo Grill. Merle's Bar, Teddy Bear's, Scotch and Sirloin and Willie C's. I bought a Browning A Bolt and BPS at Rusty's outdoor sports. I killed many pheasants in Anthony, KS, Dodge City, KS and outside of Witchita. I killed alot of Bobwhites on the Cottonwood River neat Florence, KS.

I pumped iron at Exertech on the Wext End. At that time in my Life (25 yrs Old), I was a veritable Monster. All of my associates called me a "Plate Head" and accused me of anabolic steroid use which was not true. I am starting to pump iron again and I want to get back to where I was ten years ago.

I have never have been able to figure out how a state with so many farmers could be so liberal.

another okie

New member
There's no mystery about it.

Kansas was partly settled by anti-slavery folks from Mass., who were mostly Republicans. The other settlers were mostly pro-slavery Democrats from Missouri.

Remember that the Republicans were the anti-slavery party and the pro-civil rights for blacks party after the Civil War. Most blacks voted Republican until FDR, since the Democratic party in their states was run by racist white supremacists.

This historic idea of the Republican as progressive has hung on in Kansas. There are a few similar survivals in the northeast, such as Vermont. Why the Republican-Democrat alignment there still reflects these old patterns when it no longer does in so many other places is hard to say, but it may have something to do with the small number of African-Americans in Kansas and the blood that was spilled there against racist Democrats.


New member
Here in Nebraska a couple of things:

Folks out in the west end carry openly around the farm and very rarely in town. Some carry concealed. Most are pro CCW but not real vehement, especially given the relatively low crime rate and (what they for better or worse perceive as) low threat areas. East (Read Omaha and Lincoln) is burdened with many anti's, but for the most part CCW is supported by the general population. At the legislative level it has been held up for years by a single (very intelligent and very procedually talented) legislator whom term limits will remove from office in the next few years. Until he is gone from office I think there is scant chance of CCW passing the unicameral here in Nebraska.

