Ne bank robbers/murders identity.


New member
I have yet to see the citizen status of those people. Has any one seen anything regarding their status?


New member
Irrelevant? Not really. It could turn into one heck of a political football regarding the sieve-like nature of our borders.


C. D. Beaver

New member
death penalty

Nebraska does have a death penalty law on the books, but it hasn't been used in a long time. If convicted, those Norfolk murderers will likely die of old age before they ever are strapped into the E-chair.

Another sad part of the bank robbery fiasco is the suicide of a state trooper who had one of the robbers stopped for a traffic violation before the crime took place. Guy had a concealed weapon on him. Trooper ran the SN, but transposed two numbers and the report came back negative. Actually, the gun was stolen, but wasn't used in the robbery. Poor trooper was so upset with himself that he took his service sidearm and ate it. Left a wife and six kids.

Nationality of the perps doesn't mean squat. Those guys walked into the bank, offed five people in a matter of seconds and, to my knowledge, came back out without a dime. Local cops did a great job in apprehending them in just a few hours.

Pro Patria


New member
Irrelevant? Perhaps it is because a fair number of the persons I babysit five days a week are illegals that I asked the question. The fact is if these people were handled properly in the first place there would less space taken up by them and less suffering by OUR citizens.


Oh! Then I guess it would be relevant if the five dead were illegals and the suspects citizens?


New member
I was wondering the same thing and have been watching the web but nothing has come up on that subject.

I'm offended and affronted by persons entering this countrly illegally and having no alleigance to this country or believing it isn't really "our" county but theirs and their right to do so.

I'm doubly offended when they come illegally and perform hideous crimes.


New member
I pray that in my lifetime, I will see the headline "5 illegal aliens killed at their place of work by unemployed citizen".


New member
Read through the original post. It simply asks whether anyone knew of the "citizen status". Now, follow on through the rest of the replies. It has gone from a simple question to...

"...If our immigration laws had been enforced, they might not have made it to NEBRASKA!!!"

Come on folks! This is EXACTLY how misinformation gets started. If anyone has any FACTS regarding the thinnly-veiled implied alien status, legal or illegal, put them forth.

Otherwise, please refrain from turning this into another urban legend.


New member
The locals quoted in the Washington Post today said that they were all raised in or around the town.
