NCIS with the sale later canceled


New member
Another post on here got me thinking about this the other day. I was at a LGS and saw a Tokarev (SP) and made the decision to purchase. I was waited (as per normal with a common last name) so went about my day as normal after paying the background check fee but not the cost of the actual firearm.

Later that day I happened to be in another gun store and saw the same gun for a lower price. After examining it I understand why as it was not in as good of shape.

This did raise a few questions though.

1. If I had decided to purchase the second gun instead of the first what happens to the first NCIS check?
2. Can it be canceled?
3. Does it still get filed somewhere?
4. Does this impact anyone other than the store where I completed the first check?

I was approved shortly there after and am really enjoying my new purchase but am still curious.


New member
Nothing "happens" to the first check, but you'd still have to do another one at the new dealer.

As a courtesy you should tell the first dealer you changed your mind.


New member
You will undergo a NICS check for every prospective purchase, canceled or not.

And buy the gun, not the price.

When you make a deal, honor it.


New member
Is it a requirement in your state of residence that you are assessed a fee for a NICS check? Last time I did that nonsense when back in the Brady Bill mandatory wait era. I don't pay any NICS fee these days or any time I can recall in the last decade-plus.