NBC Pushing AWB

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Double J

New member
It's a daily thing to turn on the TV and hear Andrea Mitchell on NBC NEWS pushing for a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban. More recently NBC is using the War on the Border as an excuse to drag up Hillary Clinton and other top anti-2nd Amendment politicians into the limelight. It appears NBC has an agenda to drive a stake through the Constitution of the U.S.A., and say Mexico's problems are caused by law abiding American Citizens. I wonder what benefit NBC gets from this? :mad:


New member
This is why I've been "stocking up" recently, both on firearms and ammo. Scary thought is what if they ban the ammo? We're just as SOL.


New member
We need to fight back with calls to radio stations, letters to newspapers and online articles, etc. Take people to the range. SIGN UP FOR THE NRA AND GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO DO THE SAME. Call your Congressmen.

Evan Thomas

New member
I wonder what benefit NBC gets from this?

Umm, let's see... They know it's a hot topic right now, people on both sides (more on this one, I think, though) are fired up about it, and it's a way to drive up their ratings.

Fear sells. NBC is owned by General Electric, whose only "agenda" is to make money -- by, among other things, manufacturing firearms...


New member
Just curious, as to whether anyone bothered to tell these various "talking heads" or would blathering heads be a better term, exactly what "assault weapons" are or is that to much to expect? Alas, I suppose that it is, though state secrets are plainly, not involved, just information gleaned from what are correctly described as STANDARD REFERENCE TEXTS.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
It's interesting that those pushing for the AWB don't understand what it did. They seem to think it banned the universal sale of military derivative semi auto guns.

It didn't.


New member
It's already illegal to commit murder. Buying an illegal gun to commit a crime is the least of worries for the criminal with intent

These people are not stupid; they know that the AWB only affects law abiding people.

Therefore, what conclusion can be drawn from their efforts to introduce an AWB?


New member
NBC and MSNBC, or at least a large number of their commentators, have become vocal advocates of whatever the Obama folks and the far left want. It's no surprise that they would join the chorus for AWB. One good way to oppose their position is to let them know that because of their views you will no longer be one of their viewers. Advertising costs are based on number of viewers and a decrease in viewers will hit them where it hurts the most - in the pocket.

I generally refuse to watch either NBC of MSNBC because I disagree so much with many of their 'positions'.


New member
Glenn E. Meyer writes:

It's interesting that those pushing for the AWB don't understand what it did. They seem to think it banned the universal sale of military derivative semi auto guns.

It didn't.

It didn't effect, let along "ban" the sale of real Assault Rifles either, see National Firearms Act of 1934.

Seems that media types not only need a course in technical/firearms terminology, they also should undertake at least a passing study of American Legislative History. They won't though, as study entails the possibility of real work, and or mental discipline.
Write the Sponsors

NBC is a publicly held corporation accountable to it's stockholders like any such company.

The best way to influence their programming is to hit them in the pocket book by going after their sponsors. Write the sponsors, and tell them you will not use their products or services as long as they are funding programming which is anti-constitutional, or anti-Second Amendment.

When the folks footing the bill realize they are spending those hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars only to alienate their customer base, you can bet it will become the subject of very high level meetings, and it will influence programming decisions.

I know of no other better, direct way to influence programming.

Huey Long

New member
We need to fight back with calls to radio stations, letters to newspapers and online articles, etc. Take people to the range. SIGN UP FOR THE NRA AND GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO DO THE SAME. Call your Congressmen.

Anyone who has not signed up for GOAs email alerts needs to. They'll keep you updated on pending gun legislation and send you links to pre-written emails that you can send right from their site. As I've stated before, if there's anyone who won't give money to the cause, they should at least do this. It only takes a few clicks of the mouse and costs nothing.
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New member
Yeah it just kills me how many people are "SO ******" about how biased and weak these stations are, but nobody is willing to do anything about it. I've sent multiple letters and emails to the morons running my state, but none of my shooting buddies will. It's as if emails had postage. Ask yourself, When was the last time you busted out your pencil? Maybe mail a few letters before complaining. (not that i think you shouldn't complain, just work for it first.... I think one should EARN the right to complain) If you do nothing, the worst that can happen is we lose... If you try, the worst that can happen is we lose... But atleast you'll know it wasn't on your account.


New member
"Mrs Clinton said the use of military-style assault weapons was a particular concern, and she would discuss reimposing a ban on their sale.

A previous US decision to lift a ban on such sales had been a mistake, she told the NBC television network."

shes a nitwitt, the ban was never lifted with a decision, it expired.



New member
Heard the interview segment and the person she was talking to dismissed a renewal of the AWB because it would just be a political distraction. That it would make dealing with the problems in Mexico more difficult not easier.

Personally I think NBC in bring up the AWB is just stirring the pot.

I'd like to point out that Hillary Clinton is not president, Barak Obama is. So far Obama has been very timid about up setting the republican base. I don't think he's likely to grow a back bone any time soon.


New member
Heard the interview segment and the person she was talking to dismissed a renewal of the AWB because it would just be a political distraction. That it would make dealing with the problems in Mexico more difficult not easier... I'd like to point out that Hillary Clinton is not president, Barak Obama is.
+1. It should be pointed out that Eric Holder made an off-the-cuff comment in a press conference a couple of weeks ago saying that he would support a renewed AWB, causing the administration to nearly issue an outright retraction, saying that it was only Mr. Holder's personal opinion. There's a credible rumor that Rahm Emanuel took Mr. Holder into a back room after the conference and severely upbraided him for even raising the issue. :) This story has been reported by numerous sources, including the NRA-ILA website.

My hunch is that the Mexican gun issue will be addressed by some sort of U.S. Customs inspection program on the U.S. side packaged as a "Border Security Initiative"- something that most Republicans would support.

NBC is just stirring the pot and grinding their own axe. (Two clichés in one sentence there.) ;)
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