NBC News hatchet job tonight


New member
NBC Nightly News did a "follow-up" story on the expiration of the AWB tonight, Wednesday. They interviewed street cops who complained about the fire power the bad guys have, implying that this was as a result of the ban sunsetting. NBC talked about the usual AK-47s and Uzi's in the hands of criminals, and dramatically pointed out that a SAR-1 (they called it a modified AK-47) taken from a criminal had a 30-rd mag while the cop they were talking to only had 17+1 in his Glock.

I sent NBC an e-mail about this, and said that their story was "news" like Michael Moore films are "documentaries". They probably will take that as a complement. If anyone else saw it and wants to complain, the address is nightly@nbc.com


Unbelievable! Oh yes, I'm sure in three days, that's the difference in what the criminals are toting vs. prior to that! Gimme a break. The media is unbelievably stupid; either that or they knowingly aid and abet the anti-gunners, since they should know that 30 rounders have been available all this time, and HDRs were used in less than 2% of crimes, BOTH before AND during the ban. Besides, how are they outgunned - the cops have longarms too, and most of theirs really ARE assault weapons - most all LEO squad cars now have some form of AR or M4 in .223 or a pistol caliber, usually select-fire, no?


New member
The media is unbelievably stupid; either that or they knowingly aid and abet the anti-gunners
The media is anything else than stupid. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. They purposely mislead the "public" to preserve what is left of their credibility (in my opinion: zero) to cement their power, falling apart faster than a Las Vegas casino implosion.
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Dave R

New member
Surely the media know enough to know that you could buy an AK or an AR the day before the ban ended? It just couldn't have a bayonet lug or a collapsable stock. Neither of which affects how fast it shoots or how much ammo it carries.


New member
Sorry, Guys, . . . but I am going to have to disagree with you. The media is indeed virtually stupid, categorically stupid, and in fact, . . . stupid.

I say that as a 59 year old kid who has been around the block a time or two. The media is just like the rest of our USA enterprises, . . . profit driven. Now don't get flamed yet, . . . profit is not a dirty word. :D

All them little ding dong newcomer news reporters come from the universities, and are cranked out faster than GM can build a Chevy. Instead of getting a decent paycheck at an entry level position, . . . they get their faces on the tube, . . . recognized at the Piggly Wiggly, . . . and hope to be the next Walter Cronkite or Bubba Wahwah. They know that in order to keep their jobs, they have to bring out the controversy, . . . the gore, . . . the sleaze, . . . or the "inside story" on some bigwig. :barf:

Stories about the boy scouts who helped little old ladies cross the busy city streets don't sell papers, magazines, . . . or TV air time.

Look at Dan Rather, CBS and their "long lost papers", . . . he has been proved wrong to anyone with half a brain, . . . but the controversy of the papers will keep him going at it until after the election, . . . and maybe even then he won't fess up. That controversy builds ratings, . . . increases viewer numbers, . . . in short: it makes bucks. :eek:

When we take the $$$ out of the news business, . . . we'll start getting real news without some kind of slant one way or the other. (But, . . . before you ask, . . . no I don't have a clue as to how to do that.) :confused:

Anyway, may God bless,

45 Long Colt

New member
Dwight's right.

But so is RobW.

Reporters are nothing but vapid salad eaters who can read a teleprompter adequately. Not usually candidates for Mensa. The have good hair and good teeth, with middling diction. Nobody asks more of them.

Producers, on the other hand, are sometimes fairly cunning, if not actually intelligent, and they tend to be very elitist, which means very liberal, which means that arms in the hands of common folk scare them fartless.

Both of these categories of pond scum are hopelessly ignorant in terms of mechanical devices of any ilk, much less firearms, much less cause and effect.

And both of them are driven by money, as Dwight noted. Coupled with an audience that bears more than a passing resemblance to a herd of bleating sheep, it is a picture that repulses me.


New member
Coupled with an audience that bears more than a passing resemblance to a herd of bleating sheep...
That's the point. Without them, the so-called "Journalists" are powerless and thus moneyless.

Long time ago, the "Journalist"-schools taught to research the topic, and check and double check sources. Today, it seems, they teach only bias.

Now, the readers resp. audience have to research and look for the truth. Sad, but the whole "Mainstream-Media" made itself unreliable and for this reason superfluous.