nazi germany/or denver colorado?


New member
DEB DAVIS LIKES to commute to work by public bus. She uses the time to read, crochet or pay bills. It's her quiet time. What with the high price of gas, she saves money, too: a week's worth of gas money gets her a month's worth of bus rides

The bus she rides crosses the property of the Denver Federal Center, a collection of government offices such as the Veterans Administration, the U.S. Geological Survey, and part of the National Archives. The Denver Federal Center is not a high security area: it's not Area 51 or NORAD.

On her first day commuting to work by bus, the bus stopped at the gates of the Denver Federal Center. A security guard got on and demanded that all of the passengers on this public bus produce ID. She was surprised by the demand of the man in uniform, but she complied: it would have meant a walk of several miles if she hadn't. Her ID was not taken and compared to any "no-ride" list. The guard barely glanced at it.

When she got home, what had happened on the bus began to bother her. 'This is not a police state or communist Russia', she thought. From her 8th grade Civics class she knew there is no law requiring her, as an American citizen, to carry ID or any papers, much less show them to anyone on a public bus.

She decided she would no longer show her ID on the bus.

The Compliance Test
On Monday, September 26th 2005, Deb Davis headed off to work on the route 100 bus. When the bus got to the gates of the Denver Federal Center, a guard got on and asked her if she had an ID. She answered in the affirmative. He asked if he could see it. She said no.

When the guard asked why she wouldn't show her ID, Deb told him that she didn't have to do so. The guard then ordered her off the bus. Deb refused, stating she was riding a public bus and just trying to get to work.

The guard then went to call his supervisor, and returned shortly with a federal policeman. The federal cop then demanded her ID. Deb politely explained once again that she would not show her ID, and she was simply commuting to work. He left, returning shortly thereafter with a second policeman in tow.

The Second Compliance Test
This second cop asked the same question and got the same answer: no showing of ID, no getting off the bus.

The cop was also annoyed with the fact that she was on the phone with a friend and didn't feel like hanging up, even when he 'ordered' her to do so.

The second cop said everyone had to show ID any time they were asked by the police, adding that if she were in a Wal-Mart and was asked by the police for ID, that she would have to show it there, too.

She explained that she didn't have to show him or any other policeman my ID on a public bus or in a Wal-Mart. She told him she was simply trying to go to work.

The Arrest
Suddenly, the second policeman shouted "Grab her!" and he grabbed the cell phone from her and threw it to the back of the bus. With each of the policemen wrenching one of her arms behind her back, she was jerked out of her seat, the contents of her purse and book bag flying everywhere. The cops shoved her out of the bus, handcuffed her, threw her into the back seat of a police cruiser, and drove her to a police station inside the confines of the Denver Federal Center.

Once inside, she was taken down a hall and told to sit in a chair, still handcuffed, while one of the policemen went through her purse, now retrieved from the bus.

The two policemen sat in front of their computers, typing and conferring, trying to figure out what they should charge her with. Eventually, they wrote up several tickets, took her outside and removed the handcuffs, returned her belongings, and pointed her toward the bus stop. She was told that if she ever entered the Denver Federal Center again, she would go to jail.

She hasn't commuted by public bus since that day.

huh if you want something to be angry about this is probably it. I wonder why the MSM doesnt follow this?

model 25

New member
She was lucky she didn't live in Waco during the last administration. Compassionate administration then burnt people to death.



New member

What is your source for this story. I don't doubt you. I would just like a reference on the source before I repeat the story.


New member
Ok, Bad cops, innocent little old lady, but no documentation, ergo, the story is utter nonsense. Instead of posting made up or urban legends, be mature and have documentation other than "I heard this from a friend's sister who knew a guy who's aunt knew someone who heard this".


New member
Rosa Parks, Jr. ?

If she was trying to prove something, fine. If it were me I would have just showed my ID. She was doing real good until she decided not to ride the bus anymore. What a shame. All that for nothing. And did U know the best way to disarm a policeman is to show him your ID. But only after he asks for it. Don't quickly take out your wallet from your pocket while 4 guns are being pointed at U.


New member
Oh, nevermind....


Gail Johnson, a volunteer ACLU lawyer and respected criminal defense attorney from the law offices of Haddon, Morgan, Mueller, Jordan, Mackey & Foreman, P.C., is defending Deb's right to travel freely in her own country.

Lawyer Daggit

New member
These days with Federal property a target for terrorists, asking for ID is quite reasonable I think particularly given that buses are frequent targets for bombers in many parts of the world.

Garand Illusion

New member
I've watched the security guards walk thorugh the public buses at the gate of the Federal Center many times. I've often wondered how that was legal.

One thing to remember ... these are public buses that run THROUGH the Federal center with stops on both sides. The buses are subsidised by taxpayer money (we pay a tax to the bus company with every purchase). Many people riding the bus are NOT getting off in the Federal Center.

If the Federal center doesn't want people riding buses through without showing id ... fine, then stop running the buses through there.

But security there is pretty much a joke anyway. I could tell all kinds of stories about that. All you have to do is tell the guards you're going to one of the buildings there open to the public, or give them the building of a number and claim you're going to a meeting, and they'll just write down your driver's license info and let you drive right on through.


New member
To me

Its a story of a stupid woman confronting several MORE stupid officers.
In todays world if an officer asks me for an ID and does it in a polite manner I would ablige him. BUt I would ask why I am being required and if he answered I would thank him. If not and he was rude I would still show it and then request the name of his supervisor.
The main thing here is that if you want to be Rosa Parks JR. good for you but when I hear that a "ACLU lawyer and respected criminal defense attorney from the law offices of Haddon, Morgan, Mueller, Jordan, Mackey & Foreman, P.Ca lawyer"
Well all I can say is the scum low lifes lawyers see a money pit, and there licking there chops and picking out there next limmo.
What do you call 50 lawyers on the bottom of Lake Michigan?
(I know you have all heard this"


New member
/quote/ Well all I can say is the scum low lifes lawyers see a money pit, and there licking there chops and picking out there next limmo. /end quote/

uhm, are they working for free?

/quote/ If she was trying to prove something, fine. If it were me I would have just showed my ID. She was doing real good until she decided not to ride the bus anymore. What a shame. All that for nothing. And did U know the best way to disarm a policeman is to show him your ID. But only after he asks for it. Don't quickly take out your wallet from your pocket while 4 guns are being pointed at U. /end quote/

yes like I said in the title nazi germany? She also did not label herself rosa parks. that web site was threw up fast and is proffesionally done, although I havent checked into this it appears that way. I may be wrong. and please do not post anything about disarming policemen again. I dont think that is appropriate in the least.

yes I agree that the best thing to do is too show your ID. Now would I have done that in that situation? who knows it sound horrible to me. I would of immediattly called the press and either has the bus route changed, or stopped the cops from doing these ID checks. I mean common didnt some(or most) of the 9/11 hijackers have ID(I know at least one was stopped by a LEO). A terrorist showing his ID does nothing.


New member
this stuff.

When Deb is arraigned in U.S. District Court on the 9th of December, she will most likely be charged with the following federal criminal misdemeanors: 41 CFR § 102-74.375 (Admission to Property) and 41 CFR § 102-74.385 (Conformity to Official Signs and Directions).

Through these charges, it appears that the Feds are claiming that people were on notice that they had to show ID. Nowhere is this evident, unless 'Public Welcome' flags are bureaucratese for 'Papers, please'. In addition, Deb wasn't even visiting the Denver Federal Center. That the public bus transits the facility isn't her fault. If the Center really is Denver's answer to Area 51, then public buses should be driving around — not through — the Center.