Natural Disaster/Emergency/Survival Kits

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New member
Every so often, I think about putting together a "survival" kit, in the slight chance or natural disaster or some other bad situation. I think something like Rubbermaid Action Packer or large duffel bag. You know with stuff like bottled water, first-aid kit, a multi-tool, daily medicine, some energy bars, toilet paper, flashlight, firestarting material, etc....

Anyway, I was wondering what gun you keep/would keep in a kit like that mentioned. I'm thinking maybe a 12ga pump and/or reliable handgun like a revolver would be good. Of course, there'd be a couple box of ammo for them.

What are your thoughts?


New member
besides the guns and ammo, tools, generator, etc....
i have a few "all in one" kits from costco. sealed in 7 1/2 gallon plastic bucket with shelf life 10 yrs. various sizes and amts of food (like MRE's) and basic first aid supplies. I think it's cheaper (and easier) to buy it ready to go than run around collecting everything.


New member

What kind of issue you thinking about and how long are you going to need to survive..????

shotgun would be good.. but what you need REALLy in my opion depends..
if your longest shot will be 100 yards or less shotgun or .22 will be fine..and you can carry LOTS of ammo.. good idea.. pistol would be good idea as well..

Everyone will have opinions on this..

Bud Helms

Senior Member
What kind of issue you thinking about and how long are you going to need to survive..????

Everyone will have opinions on this..

Yes, they sure will. So, I advise reading this before posting them here.


New member
I live in a hurricane-prone area, and not long ago endured 2 serious hurricanes 3 weeks apart and another less than a year later. Electricity was off for 10 days at a time, communications were severely disrupted, and response by emergency personnel was essentially non-existent.

During those times I saw no difference in my firearm needs. My EDC was still a good firearm for the protection of my family, and since I carried every day anyway, there was basically no change. I see no reason to dedicate any more firearms as emergency firearms, because the ones I anticipate needing are as closely at hand in their normal locations as they would be placed into some sort of emergency kit. My advice is to keep your regular firearms accessible and have a decent supply of ammunition.

FWIW, the most useful things to have are a Coleman stove and fuel and simple non-perishable food stuffs. I carried a gun, but never shot it. I ate three meals a day and drank lots of water. MREs were distributed, and they aren't bad, but if things get bad enough that you can't count on distribution by authorities, you need to be able to get by on your own. Food and water are needed much more acutely than other stuff. After nutrition, bandage materials are important. Minimizing blood loss and keeping wounds clean until you can get professional care is the most pressing medical need. Because of hydration issues, symptomatic anti-diarrhea medications are also important to have available.

And if you ever have to evacuate and not be certain that your house is going to be standing when you get back, you will be amazed at how important your family photos become to you. We keep a plastic bin stored empty so that we can quickly stack our photo albums and throw them in the car as we leave.
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