National Public Radio story worth listening to.


New member
Interesting. Guess it is about as non anti (excuse the double negative) as one can get out of NPR.

Still makes my skin crawl, but very glad you shared it.



New member
I dunno. Interesting.... but it kinda felt like being on the wrong side of a zoo cage wall.

"My my.... look at the wierd rednec......rrrr..... 'quaint persons of pastoral heritage' "



Chuck Dye

New member
straightShot, you must have read the text w/o listening to the segment. the FIL was hit in the foot (booted) by a single pellet ricochet. The shooter says both that he and FIL were standing side by side and that the bounce was at a right angle. Was the side by side correct and a 180 degree bounce described as "right angle", or was the bounce correctly described, the side by side fudged, and the shot unsafe? Indeed, can any shot which bounces a pellet into a human be considered safe? I don't know. We read of range backspatter from some amazing distances, certainly farther than many of my bunny busting shots. That portion of the audio and the discrepancy between the text and the audio both bothered me, but it is a National Public Radio show and they excel at promoting the emotional over the rational, or even the correct.


New member
Any urban equivalent?

His rural dwelling father-in-law hands him a shotgun and says "We're goin' huntin' tomorrow." What would be an equivalent thing, something so totally outside of a person's usual group of activities, for City Mouse to do when Country Mouse is visiting?

Long Path

New member
Hmmm... I started to respond,"See a well-produced show or go to a fine restaurant," but those are passive activities. Can't think of anything truly comparable.

L.P. (Closet NPR listener.)