National Parks


New member
I recently took a road trip from Colorado out to South Dakota then back through Wyoming, hitting several national parks along the way. My Colorado CHL was valid in all states that I passed through as well as the parks. My question comes regarding Devil's Tower in Wyoming. The public restrooms inside the park were marked "Federal Facility, no weapons allowed". It would seem that this goes against the spirit of the 2010 law, however if the restrooms are indeed a Federal Facility it would legally prohibit carry. I didn't see signs like this at any of the other National Parks (Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse etc). Any input on the legalities of the Park Service prohibiting carry in their restroom facilities?


New member
I looked into the National Park laws prior to this trip, the visitors centers and gift shops are no-carry areas, it was this stand alone restroom that seemed odd.
I don't remember the exact language of what constitutes a "federal facility," but it's something about buildings where federal employees regularly work. A ranger station would fit that -- an un-manned restroom building would not. IMHO a gift shop probably would not, either, since those are typically operated by private concessionaires and the employees are not federal employees, they are employees of the concession company.


New member
And everyone ignores the exception written into the law: 18 USC 930:

"(a) Except as provided in subsection (d),... "

"(d) Subsection (a) shall not apply to:...."

(d) "(3) the lawful carrying of firearms or other dangerous weapons in a Federal facility incident to hunting or other lawful purposes. "

As, at least in the state of Washington (and I believe 43 other states) The RIGHT to bear arm in an individual's personal self defense is in the state constitution... to carry for your personal self defense (at least in WA and like states) must be a "lawful purpose"

Many of us ARE aware of the "other lawful purposes" exception, yet the feral [sic].gov persists in posting federal buildings with those signs, and most of us are unwilling to become the test case by means of being arrested for carrying in a posted federal facility.