National Gun Panic

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New member
I think the panic we are seeing with regards to guns and every other accoutremount related to them, is now bordering on insanity. Everywhere one goes, everything is sold out. I am not really looking to purchase anything right now, except some reloading supplies, and they basically cannot be had locally. Online such things are also back-ordered.

Even the mighty Walmart is low or out of most ammunition. I was told that their suppliers, who always give them preference, cannot get ammunition. The local Sportsman's Warehouse has such a pathetic offering of handguns and other shooting supplies that it looks more like a Woolworth's than a shooting sports purveyer.

It seems we may be taking this "Obama Fear" too far. He has not delivered on any of his promises yet, so why should be believe he will instantly attempt to ban every gun and all ammunition, including supplies? At any rate, blind fear and hoarding are not the answer to him. Bill Clinton tried to ban weapons but made only relatively minor inroads. I think we are more prepared now for such attempts on our liberties. And we have a Supreme Court decision to add impetus to our Second Amendment rights.

Would not the best bet be for all of us to put a little money into the NRA and also write our representatives in Washington in an aggressive manner? It is nice that one segment of our economy is booming; but showing such a maniacal panic is unhealthy fear.

Perhaps we should be forming local militias, or better, working at the state level to create citizen militias that would function in emergencies; from natural disasters to terrorist attacks. Possession of arms and ammunition would be just one requirement of such militias, but they would also be legitimate state organizations that could protect our right to possess and bear arms. If enough states formed such militias and then linked together, no Federal government could challenge them.

I would rather see this happening with all its attendant difficulties, than frightened individuals hoarding guns and ammunition that could be taken from us on an individual basis anyway. The potential "disarmers" are out there for sure; but I think we should be taking positive action rather than showing fear.


Our new president has been in office less than one month and you are telling us to calm down? Ever since the GCA of 1968 we legitimate gun owners have been under siege. Even during times when we had Republican presidents in the White House, you still witnessed the anti-gunners working their evil. Yes, we have a Supreme Court decision in our favor, but all it would take is for Liberal appointees to the court to overturn everything we gained during our last 8 years. It's duing times like this that we do need to support the NRA more than ever. Those if you in states like Texas and Florida may not really see the impact that gun hating Liberals have on our liberties. We sure as heck do here in California. I intend to buy as many weapons as I can during this time, that is, until we are no longer allowed to. Alarmist, maybe, but look what has happened in Australia!! Also with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, she could very well lead us into the gun banning UN resolution that is simmering right now. Alarmist, panic, I don't think so. Just facts.


New member
Don't blame me, I voted for Sarah Palin and will again in 2012 :D

This is going to be a rough four years as they try and shove socialism and Marxism down our collective throats :barf:


New member
yeah and the gun shops/supply shops/ammo sellers sure arent making a big deal of it either.


vox rationis

New member
yeah and the gun shops/supply shops/ammo sellers sure arent making a big deal of it either.

well, what do you want Obama to artificially set the gun prices lower than the market dictates :rolleyes:

it is called the law of supply and demand, and since the demand is super high, if the prices were to be kept artificially low, then there would be no protection from a few buying up everything just to horde it

it is called the consequences of an election and its effects on the free gun market...


New member
I ordered a thousand rounds (223 & 9mm) from Georgia Arms this past early

December and it finally came in this past week.


Hey, the only part of the American economy that is booming is the shooting industry. That's cause it's even printed on our currency, E. Pluribus Ammo.
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