National Concealed Carry Law!


New member
I signed the petition. I hope that I will not show up on some BATF hit list in the future because of this.


New member
My driving permit is valid in all states. Why not my carry permit? Is this not what the feds are for?


The petition states:

"It is the opinion of the petitioners that such a law would be, in fact, a requirement of the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution."

Is that a fact? The Framers would have approved of a government permission system?

I doubt it.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788


New member
Done. But I agree with Rick that this is a right, and a license or "permission" is not necessary. Now all we need is for somebody who has no criminal background to volunteer to be arrested, sit in jail for years, and wait for a potential Supreme Court decision that will free him.

How we ever got to this point I don't know.



New member
The NRA and others are trying to get the National CCW bill (a variation of Ron Paul's HR 407) as an amendment to the Juvenile Crime Bill.
It's likely that some kind of bill will go to Clinton before he leaves office. A stand alone CCW bill has a snowball's chance in hell. However, as an amendment to anoother bill, it has a reasonably good chance.
Of course, if GW Bush is elected, the bill would be signed as a stand alone.

I'm very curious what will happen to concealed carry when the Emerson case gets to the Supreme Court. This, in my opinion, is our best bet...but it's 4 or 5 years off.
A positive ruling by the Supreme Court would probably also overturn the "Assault" Rifle ban...possibly the machine gun ban of 1986...and maybe even U.S. vs Miller of 1934 (the federales uses short barrelled rifles (not sure about shotguns less then 18" though).


New member
Yes, I had my reservations too since the right to carry SHOULD NOT be subject to licensing. Every state should be like Vermont. I live in NY so I am "licensed" but I wouldn't want to see Vermont start requiring a concealed carry permit because of this national reciprocity law. Hey maybe the'll just have to show their Vermont License. :)

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ds1973:
Yes, I had my reservations too since the right to carry SHOULD NOT be subject to licensing. Every state should be like Vermont. I live in NY so I am "licensed" but I wouldn't want to see Vermont start requiring a concealed carry permit because of this national reciprocity law. Hey maybe the'll just have to show their Vermont License. :)


I believe Vermont driver's licenses are acceptable in reciprocity states....

I concur that a "license" isn't required per the Second Amendment, however how would the cops know the good guys from the bad guys if you got pulled over or something of that nature. That's the only good reason I can think of for a permit.


New member
I have one reservation regarding such a national law by Congress. If it were couched in language to indicate that it was reflecting the second amendment I would not have a problem. However, if it is the US Congress telling the states what they must do it seems that this might be a two edged sword. If the Fed Gvt can tell the states they have to recognize other state's CHL then doesn't it follow that they can tell the states that they can't recognize others? Or even tell the states that they can't have a CHL law? The issue here with me is states rights vs the Fed Gvt authority to override those rights. What is the consensus here? It appears that a Fed Gvt that is already too intrusive simply becomes more intrusive. If we were to get a congress and president that were very anti-gun what would they do? Jerry

Ed Brunner

New member
I do not like the position it places me in to BEG our government to grant me a license to exercise a right I already possess.

And I'll bet you are willing to pay for it too. To say nothing about tests, training, trigger locks, fingerprints, DNA etc.

Am I right??

Better days to be,



I completely agree that we shouldn't have to sign a petition in the first place. It's our right. However, you can argue till your blue that the 2nd Amendment allows us to carry legally across all statelines. It will not get you anywhere with our pathetic government. Look at the machine gun ban, assault rifle, Brady, etc etc etc. Did arguing about the 2nd Amendment is our right do any good? No. There needs to be change and a miracle for the liberals to repeal all the unconstitutional bans. That would require the government to state that they are wrong. I don't see that happening anytime soon. Maybe things will change if Bush gets elected. Maybe not. So until some things change, I want to be able to carry legally across all state lines. I'm sorry but a felony would do more harm for me than good towards RKBA. I prefer to keep my guns and buy many more. A felony would put a halt to that.

Stephen Ewing

New member
Signed. With the usual reservations about permission to do what the Second Amendment says we can do anyway.

I'm also slightly suspicious of the two Abraham Lincolns in the list......
