National Ammo Day


New member
What is being accomplished by buying ammo on one particular day? Quantifying the amount of gun owners in America? Not even going to come close to an accurate number. Putting more ammo in the hands of gun owners? So those people that have a thousand plus rounds, get another 50 or hundred, good idea. :rolleyes: Telling politicians that gun owners are out here? Already done (I refer you to the elections of 2000, 2002, and the failed attempts to get ballistic fingerprinting on the hot sheet). I am at a loss here as to what this idea will accomplish.


New member
So is there a problem with owning a lot of ammunition? The cost savings is why most people (myself included) buy in bulk. Even if that's not the reason, so what?

And the existing gun lobbys have accomplished so much!:rolleyes:

Probably won't accomplish anything at all. So what! Still seems like a pretty good idea to me.

Dang pessimist! ;)


New member
Well its not so much that I am pessimistic about it, more that I don’t think it will do anything at all. ;)

Its really more of an issue of being told its pathetic if I don’t go buy ammo on a particular day.


New member
The other could be that people could not enter information that they participated in National Ammo Day until after National Ammo Day.

It takes a bit of time to go and register too.

I tried my best to inform others.


New member
Did not realize I had to post what I bought. I'm sure many others did not either. Only did it when someone else posted the URL on another thread similar to this one.

If it doesn't achieve anything, well at least we tried and its not like we're stuck with something we don't need. Yes, we've let the politicians know how we feel on election day- doesn't hurt to reinforce the message before the next elections.

Would've been nice to see all gunowners go out and clear out all the stores throughout America. Now that would have been a statement! :D (yeah I know it was wishful thinking, still, would've been cool to see that happened!;) )


New member
I just figured that we all buy lots of ammo - so why not ! I had decided to buy some ammo on Sunday, so I waited until Tuesday to do so.

I think the big reason folks are not participating is that they either don't know about it or don't know to go to the site and report what they bought. Even if it was just a box, report it. I think the most important number will be the # of people who report, not the total # of rounds bought.


New member
I bought some yesterday. I reported it. I think the problem is that even some TFL regular members do not even know about it. How about an ad in American Rifleman for next year?

I guess I need to update my signature now.



New member
>1400 participants (buyers)
almost 1,000,000 rounds purchased

The sellers are not reporting nearly as concienciously as the buyers.

Yeah, next year maybe some more adverts.